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Ancient Times: In short, the creation of a nation would result in a large portion of the society to go from nomadic to city dwelling. With the rise of city-states it is likely that Isreal in ancient times served as a political buffer once Rome came to power and possible slowed roman spread into modern day India and Asia diverting Roman interests southward into Africa rather then Asia. In the absence of a strong city-state they may have progressed further rather then diverting energy and resources into maintaining control of that area. Modern Time: With Isreal returning as a nation, the Middle East has become a hot bed of political and ethnic instability revolving around arab acceptance of Isreal and continuing and complex issues involving the Palastinians. This interplay has been a hot bed and rather polarizing topic in the late 20th and early 21st century. The concept of Zionism further complicates it's current existence with it's neigbors and raises questions on the concept of race, culture, and national identity. In addition it sets a percarious precient and topic of discussion on when a nation, society, or group is considered "expired" through conquest or assimilation. If Isreal was conquered and defeated in the past what precident and mandate does a group of people have to restore a defeated or lapsed nation and what measures are acceptable. For instance natives to the British Isles, Native Japanese, Aborigines, North American Tribals (Native Americans or Indians). Those claims of soverignty have been discarded into history but what would prevent the remaining tribe members from revoking the Louisian Purchase and "restoring" their nation? Would violence be permissible? Who decides? Many nations re-emerged for instance after the fall of Roman. The rise and fall of nations in history is a deeply studied topic and Isreal, the former USSR, reunited Germany, and many more continue to fuel debates on the nature of a "nation" and when does a nation "ceases" to be... For a short short short version: "Yes by adding a hell of a lot of drama, complexity, heart break, violence, politics, and regrets to the middle east to everyone in the region."

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Q: How has the creation of Israel changed the course of history?
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