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Australia experiences a variety of temperatures, from very hot to very cold. The highest recorded temperature in Australia occurred at Cloncurry in western Queensland in January 1889: 53.1 °C (127.5 °F). The Cloncurry record was later removed from Australian records because it was measured using unsuitable equipment (that is, not in a Stevenson screen, which only became widespread in Australian usage after about 1910). According to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, the current heat record is held by Oodnadatta, South Australia, 50.7 degrees Celsius, occurring on 2 January 1960.

The world heat record goes to Marble Bar in Western Australia, which recorded maximum temperatures equalling or exceeding 37.8°C on 161 consecutive days, between 30 October 1923 and 7 April 1924. However, this is an extreme.

Temperatures in the south (oddly enough) can be among the hottest in summer, easily exceeding 42 degrees Celsius for many days at a time, and contributing to severe bushfire conditions.

It must be remembered, however, that not all of Australia experiences this extreme of heat. Many areas of Australia are pleasant to live in, with temperatures rarely being uncomfortably hot.

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12y ago
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13y ago

This depends on the part of Australia in which one lives. Some area of Australia may be particularly cold in winter, but nowhere in the country experiences the huge blizzards reported in parts of North America and Europe.

In the far north, winters are very mild, with minimum and maximum temperatures in Darwin averaging 19 degrees to 31 degrees.

By comparison, minimum and maximum temperatures in Brisbane average 10 degrees to 21 degrees, while in Adelaide they average between 7 and 14 degrees. In Hobart, the southernmost capital city, temperatures average between 3 degrees and 13.5 degrees.

Many places south of the Tropic of Capricorn and just a little way inland have minimum temperatures that can drop below 0 degrees Celsius, with frosts appearing regularly on winter mornings. The deserts are very cold at night in winter.

Australia also has an alpine region, where winter temperatures range from around 5 degrees below zero to maximums of around 1-3 degrees Celsius.

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13y ago

There is a great deal of variety within Australia's climate. Most of the continent lies within the temperate zone, but northern Queensland and the Top End of the Northern Territory experience a tropical and sub-tropical climate, with monsoonal rains and high heat and humidity in summer, with daily maximum temperatures exceeding 35 degrees Celsius. By contrast, Tasmania and parts of Victoria can experience both very cool summer temperatures, then sudden jumps to extreme heat.

Parts of Australia experience heatwaves which can continue for weeks. Very few places in Australia experience snow, compared to the size of the continent. In Winter, snow falls in the Alpine regions of New South Wales and Victoria, and sometimes even in the central tablelands of NSW, near the Blue Mountains and Orange. Tasmania experiences some snow, as does Canberra, less frequently.

Some areas of Australia may be particularly cold in winter, but nowhere in the country experiences the huge blizzards reported in parts of North America and Europe.

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8y ago

it is usually hot in South Australia, Northern Territory, Western Australia and Northern Territory. In Victoria and New South Wales, It gets as low as -10 degrees Celsius in the mountains to as warm as 20 degrees Celsius in winter. it is between 30 and 45 degrees Celsius in summer. It is always cold in Tasmania. In Queensland, the coldest it ever is would be about 20 degrees Celsius and it gets up to 50 degrees sometimes in summer. No matter where you are in Australia, it will always be scorching on Christmas, and even hotter on boxing day

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10y ago

Australia is a vast country, and there is no set temperature it can be in summer. Summers throughout the country vary, and even in the south they can change from one day to the next.

The highest recorded temperature in Australia occurred at Cloncurry in western Queensland in mid summer in January 1889: it reached 53.1 °C (127.5 °F). This is highly unusual.

The world heat record goes to Marble Bar in Western Australia, which recorded maximum temperatures equalling or exceeding 37.8°C (100 °F) on 161 consecutive days, between 30 October 1923 and 7 April 1924. However, this is also an extreme.

Temperatures in the south (oddly enough) can be among the hottest in summer, easily exceeding 42 degrees Celsius (107 °F) for many days at a time, and contributing to severe bushfire conditions. On the other hand, temperatures in Melbourne or Hobart can suddenly plunge to around 17 °C (63 °F) in mid-summer.

Not all of Australia experiences extremes of heat. Many areas of Australia are pleasant to live in, with temperatures rarely being uncomfortably hot. An average for summer in Brisbane, capital of Queensland, is around 28-32 degrees Celsius, but the likelihood of high humidity makes this temperature more uncomfortable.

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12y ago

It really does depend on where you are in Australia, and at what time of year. It can be baking in the outback sunshine 100+ degrees Fahrenheit, though in the tropics it can be as humid as Thailand, and in the south in the wintertime the Australians have Snowboarding and skiing competitions. Australia is a huge and incredibly diverse nation, but just remember with it been in the Southern Hemisphere the seasons are reversed to the seasons of the northern hemisphere, meaning they have barbecues on the beach at Christmas, and build snowmen in Victoria in July.

In short if you're going anywhere in the summertime expect, very hot, 100+ degrees Fahrenheit. (The Australians don't use Fahrenheit by the way, neither does much of the rest of the civilised world, centigrade is the ticket.) Though wintertime trip to Melbourne, will have you reaching for your scarf and umbrella.

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7y ago

Typically, minimums in winter can get below 0 c in many areas in southern Australia. However, the lowest temperature ever recorded in Australia was in the Alpine areas of Australia and measured -23 c.

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is it hot or cold in australia

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As with other countries, the hottest time of the year in Australia is summer. Australia's summer officially begins on the 1st of December and finished on the last day of February, but March can often be just as hot. Generally, January and February are the hottest months in Australia, but this, too, varies from region to region.

What is Australia's climate like in summer?

The obvious answer to this is "hot", but this is not the case throughout Australia. Australia's climate regions range from tropical to warm temperate to cool temperate. Australia is a vast country, and thus the weather is different in different parts of the country in summer. Australia's summer runs from December through to February. In the far north of Queensland and the Northern Territory, there can be tropical storms and monsoons which bring weeks of heavy, soaking rain. Australia is prone to cyclones between November and March, and these can hit anywhere from Western Australia's northern half, across the Northern Territory, through the Gulf country and down to Queensland's central coast. Central Australia is also very hot and dry during this time. Some of the regions in Australia are hot and dry in summer, particularly in the south of the continent. Tasmania and other regions of southern Australia can fluctuate quite widely, from cool and pleasant to hot and dry. In the south, late summer is prime bushfire time, when temperatures are not only excessively hot, but dry as well.

Where is it hot in Australia?

Much of Australia is hot during the summer. It is particularly hot and dry in the south during summer, while it is hot and humid in the north. Conditions become hotter and drier the further one moves away from the coast. During winter, it remains hot in the far north, such as the Top End of the Northern Territory, and the far north of Cape York Peninsula.

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Koalas, which are not bears, live only in Australia. Australia is a hot country, particularly in summer. Koalas do not live in any other countries.

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What is your exact question?Australia is hot during the English winter because it is SUMMER in Australia, being in the Earth's Southern Hemisphere. It is summer in Southern Africa and Latin America, too.Or were you asking why Australia is 'hot' during its own winter, from June to September? Firstly, some parts of Australia are quite cold in winter! Secondly, it is not as cold in winter as it is here simply because Australia is closer to the Equator than England is and therefore has a warmer climate.Hope this answers your question.

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