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Human behaviors are leading to climate change because......


No matter how big we believe ourselves to be, we alone cannot change the climate of an entire planet.

Most people are believing what they are told on the news.

Recycle your waste, cut down on using electricity and every other 'rule' we are told to prevent the warming of our planet.

Believe it or not, we do make an impact....but it is absolutely tiny compared to what we are made to believe and nothing we do could reverse such drastic changes in our Earths atmosphere.

Our Earth is increasing in temperature at a fast rate, but this is completely out of our hands.

Such changes happen every 3600 years, its nature. Be it our Earth starts it natural orbit abit closer to the sun, thus heating our atmosphere, or some other reason. (Be it that we live in a binary star system and the secondary star approaches).

Those that are reading this will have a heads up.

As our planets atmosphere begins to heat up, the gulf stream will become too warm to continue. Until now, the Earths conditions have kept this vital current continuing. But as the atmosphere heats up, the cold, fresh water from the north will become too warm to keep its flow to the south and the flow will eventually stop.

This will increase the temperature around the globe. 'Permafrost' will no longer be permanently frozen. The infrastructure of our cities will crumble and need instant repairing (Pipe's for gas and water etc.)

If only we were told the truth. But our governments think 'the truth' is too much for us to take in.

All we will see, is summers getting longer. In one year, flowers will bloom in spring....then bloom again as the temperatures rise.

Human behaviours do not lead to climate change. We are merely a species upon this planet. Continue to recycle, but also, we must continue to keep up the fight to be told the truth. We are big and strong enough to be told the truth. This is our planet as much as it is theirs.

We must stop pointing fingers and take responsibilities squarely on our shoulders, for our children and our children's children's sake.

We just need to be AWARE. That is all we ask. Peace.

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