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A person diagnosed with Mercury poisoning may be prescribed a drug that binds the mercury, and thus helps the body excrete it quickly.

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Q: How is Mercury poisoning treated by doctors?
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Related questions

How do doctors diagnose mercury poisoning?

Doctors are able to diagnose mercury poisoning by performing tests on hair, blood and urine. Urine is the best method for diagnosing a recent poisoning episode.

How is chronic chemical poisoning treated by doctors?

Treatment of chronic chemical poisoning involves identifying, eliminating the source of poison from the patient's environment, and symptomatic treatment of the condition.

How is acute chemical poisoning treated by doctors?

Treatment of a particular poison depends on the identity of the poison and how the poison was absorbed into the body.

What happens when you get Mercury poisoning?

Have you heard about mercury poisoning? people in china are slowly dying of mercury poisoning. due to energy saving light bulbs! do you know what the side effects of mercury poisoning are?

Which would kill you quicker mercury poisoning or smoking?

Mercury poisoning.

What causes Mercury poisoning?


Is there a cure for Mercury poisoning?

Certain prescription medcine do help mercury poisoning go away. I beleive

Do dolphins have Mercury poisoning?

yes they do thy have mercury poisoning that's why japan is still thinkingabout eating the dolphins

How is heavy metal poisoning treated in alternative medicine?

Alternative practitioners often rely on the same chelating agents used by standard doctors to treat heavy metal poisoning, but also use natural supplements and additional techniques

How is lead poisoning treated by doctors?

When blood levels of lead are high enough to produce poisoning, the doctor may prescribe chelation therapy. This refers to treatment with chemicals that bind to the lead and help the body pass it in urine at a faster rate.

Does Johnny Depp have mercury poisoning?

He does not.

What does Mercury poisoning do?

poisoning from elemental mercury is most likely due to inhalation of mercury vapors. The danger lies in the fact that after it is inhaled into the lungs in vapor form, mercury passes into the blood stream.