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different from what it was today....

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Q: How is Vietnam different before and after imperialism?
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What were the lasting effects of the imperialism on Vietnam?

Vietnam was a french and Japanese colony , that tried to gained independence .

Why did America want to keep Vietnam free from imperialists?

The US involved Vietnam War was NOT about imperialism. Imperialism means the acquiring of an empire...such as colonies. The US wanted to keep any nation free from "communism." South Vietnam was one of those countries.

How was Vietnam before imperialism?

they were very poor and sad that they did not have no food cuz the Americans blew it all up mwah ha ha ha ha

What were two main forces of change in Africa before imperialism spread?

different language and developed government

What was it like in Kenya BEFORE imperialism?

Seeing as that was over a hundred years ago, who do think is going to answer. Before Imperialism they had no written history.

How did the Japanese importation of Chinese culture differ from that of Vietnam and Korea?

apan retained its complete independence, while Vietnam and Korea were subjected to varying degrees of Chinese imperialism.

How was 19th century imperialism different from older forms of imperialism?

Older forms of Imperialism were more concerned with establishing colonies in foreign territories.

What was Indonesia like before imperialism?

beats me

Was the Vietnam War Imperialism or non imperialism?

The Vietnamese see the Vietnam War as an act of US Imperialism, trying to subvert Vietnam as a US colony or client state and see South Vietnam as a "fake country that only exists because of American support" much the same way as Arabs see Israel as a "fake country that only exists because of American support". Of course, many who lived in South Vietnam believed that regime to be legitimate, especially if they were affiliated with it. Consequently, most members of the Vietnamese People's Army and the VietCong Guerrillas considered themselves Anti-Imperialists, since they were fighting "American Imperialism". Whether that is the US intention to create a client state in Vietnam or not is debatable; certainly, most Americans do not have that perspective. However, much of American foreign policy in the Cold War was to create client states and allies, so it is not inconceivable that this was the intent.

How does purchasing Alaska show imperialism?

Well, The U.S. purchased Alaska during the time of imperialism and Alaska was in a different country and had a different was of like. But the U.S. imperialism Alaska By bringing the U.S. cullture and way of life there.

How did industrialization give rise to capitalism and imperialism?

It didn't. Imperialism and capitalism had been around for centuries before industrialisation.

What are the key traits of the cities in Zimbabwe before imperialism?
