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Arthropods include honey and bumble bees, and flies, who take care of pollinating our crops and accounting for 66% of our food. Without them, no fruit, vegetables, coffee, cotton, vanilla, and much more.

Arthropods also include the many many species that are the natural predators of the species forming our pests. They combat their own rogues for us, free of charge, no pesticides needed if you know what you're doing and use the right predator (I've followed courses and have done some research on this, mainly about parasitoid wasps).

Also included are the crustaceans we use as food. In many countries in Asia and Africa, insects too are eaten, and other parts of the world may very well adopt this. After all, they're just crustaceans of the land, a bit smaller and with less legs, and they taste just fine (speaking from experience). They're easily kept and reared, and produce less CO2 than cows etc. Also, they're more easily digested (our ancestors probably ate more insects than cows and pigs, so we still have the enzymes to digest them better) and our gut takes up more nutrients than from regular meat (again, followed courses on this).

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