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Q: How is bleach better than ammonia when dealing with lice?
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Will bleach kill lice on brushes?

yes, athough what would be a better solution is rubbing alcohol and hot water, my mother did this when i had lice

Can lice live in bleach?


If you put bleach on your hair and scalp will it kill lice?


Can lice be eaten?

Lice can be eaten, although there are better things to eat.

Why should i not use Clorox in hair to kill head lice?

Clorox is a bleach and will cause your scalp to burn possibly.

Did Anne Frank have lice?

Yes, Anne Frank did mention dealing with lice in her diary while she was in hiding during World War II. She wrote about how she and the others in hiding had to deal with the issue and the challenges it presented.

What is a virus in fish?

Fin Rot. black ick ammonia burns. fish lice u name it google fish diseases

Should i do a lice treatment if i don't have lice?

In a way yes, but then no..........because if you get it done you have a better chance of not getting head lice, but if you dont have it what is the point of wasting your money

What do lice prefer better clean hair or dirty hair?

Lice prefer dirty hair than clean hair it's proven to be a scientific fact

Can Clorox kill ticks in the backyard?

Bleach won't only kill ticks, it will also kill the dog! NEVER put bleach or any other chemical on a dog! Would you put bleach on your child? Of course not! If it says Keep away from children, keep it away from your pets! Ask your veterinarian for a shampoo that is designed to kill ticks and lice. Also, you should contact an exterminator if lice, ticks, or fleas are present! All three parasites can cause illnesses like Plague!

Why were lice feared?

They were, and still are, feared because they are bugs that just get into your hair and make you itch! People use to think that only dirty people get lice, but actually, anyone can get lice. They like clean hair the best, cause they can walk around better.

Do lice make your hair greasy?

suprisingly, no... i have found from personal experience that lice actually make your hair look better (not the bugs and the dandruff looking eggs) but the volume and style of your hair... some of my best hair days have been when I have lice (believe it or not!)