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Cholesterol gives these benefits in your body:

  • Membrane fluidity in cell membranes
  • Digestion (Cholesterol is used to make bile salts to help emulsify fats in the diet)
  • Hormones (Cholesterol can be made into body hormones)
  • Vitamin D (Cholesterol can be made into vitamin D in skin)
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Q: How is cholesterol beneficial?
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What is the best way to control cholesterol?

Since a large number of people with high cholesterol are overweight, a healthy diet and regular exercise are probably the most beneficial natural ways to control cholesterol levels.

Tofu is not low in calories and contains cholesterol?

FALSETofu is low in calories, contains beneficial amounts of iron (especially important for women of child-bearing age) and has no saturated fat or cholesterol.

Where can I find information and advice on cholesterol recipes? offers expert advice about recipes and such for food choices. Asking a specialist about such recipes might prove beneficial also.

What purpose does bad cholesterol serve in the body?

Cholesterol is a fat related substance that is a source of energy for your body. It can be thought of as fat. Good cholesterol generally comes from plant matter and is beneficial to your body, and bad cholesterol comes from red meats. Therefore, in order to limit bad cholesterol intake, limit intake of red meats.

What is the best food that reduce cholesterol?

Anything low fat and sugar free would be good for a low cholesterol diet. Many stores have low-fat, low cholesterol sections where you can find an abundance of what you need. Also try picking up a book about different types of low cholesterol foods. Fruit is something really beneficial.

Does drinking water have any effect on cholesterol levels?

Yes, drinking water does have effects on cholesterol levels. It generally is beneficial compared to someone drinking sodas or other drinks since water is pure. Drinking the recommended amount of water for you (# from doctor) will help lower your cholesterol levels.

what are the types of food that lower cholestrol?

One of the best ways to lower cholesterol is eating whole grains. Beans, fish, fresh fruit and vegetables that are high in fiber are all beneficial and can help to lower a persons cholesterol.

What is the nutritional difference between egg beaters and regular eggs?

Egg beaters are an egg substitute do not have the high cholesterol content that regular eggs have. This makes them a beneficial choice for people who are watching their cholesterol intake, or who consume eggs regularly.

How do you reduce excess cholesterol?

Adopt a low cholesterol diet, with whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, while reduciing fried foods, red meats, all forms of saturated fat. If further reduction in cholesterol is needed, beyond that, cholesteol lowering medications can be very beneficial.

Foods to help lower my cholesterol.?

I am surprised that your doctor did not recommend any specific foods. I would ask your doctor, because your doctor knows your body more specifically, and may have very personal beneficial information. Otherwise websites like have lists of what foods will help lower your cholesterol.

Is salmon the best food for raising good cholesterol levels?

Eating cold water fish such as salmon is very beneficial in raising good cholesterol levels. Fish such as salmon, mackeral and tuna are rick in omega-3 fatty acids.

Is oatmeal beneficial to lowering cholesterol?

Yes! The reason for this is because oatmeal is very high in fiber. You should consult your doctor if you plan on using oatmeal to lower your cholesterol. Your doctor can suggest other types of cholesterol-lowering foods in addition to oatmeal, and may need to prescribe you new medication or change the dose of your current medications.