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Q: How is fat turned into energy?
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What energy conversion is going on in the body as energy from food is turned into fat?

You start to weigh more.

What type of energy conversion is going on in the body as energy from food is turned into fat?

thermal to chemical

What does energy turn into when you don't exercise?

It is turned into fat and stored for later.

Excess food eaten by humans is turned to fat and is considered what type of energy?

Excess food eaten by humans is turned to fat and is considered to be a protein type of energy. This will be stored and broken down when it is needed by the body cells.

How is the energy in lollies stored in the body?

The sugars are turned into fats and these are stored in fat cells.

What would happen if you dont have fat cells?

If we didn't have fat cells we wouldn't move as our fat cells produce energy which enables our body to move. The fat we gain is turned into energy but if we don't have that energy we would be in bed all day, not being able to move.

What is carbohydrates good for in the body?

Yes. Carbohydrates give you energy. But if you eat a lot of carbohydrates and dont work out, this energy will be turned into fat. Fat isn't bad for humans either, because it works as an energy store for later, but too much fat is not healthy.

Battery energy is turned into electric energy and then turned into what kind of energy?

Mechanical energy

When is food turned into energy?

When is food turned into energy

Why should fatty foods be avoided despite the fact hat they provide more energy as compared to carbohydrates?

Having more energy means that you need to work harder to burn it all off. Also, your body burns carbs, then protein, then fat, and finally your body fat (fat you want to get rid of), and excess fat will be turned into body fat if you don't get rid of it.

How do pets get energy from food?

It's a pretty simple answer actually. Food has calories. When it's consumed, the calories are transformed into energy. If the animal does not expell all the energy that it is capable of, the calories are then turned to fat. This is the same for humans.

When protein consumption is in excess of body needs and energy needs are met the excess amino acids are metabolized and the energy in the molecule is what?

Our bodies cannot store excess protein once it is consumed, so the excess amino acids are converted to carbon skeletons that are turned into glucose or fat and then stored as fat or metabolized for energy needs. **stored as glycogen & fat** jmata~