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The antigens of the ABO system are mimicked by bacterial cell walls. So if your body does not actively suppress antibodies to them (because you have them) then antibodies will form over time to the ones you so not have (A or B or both).

The rhesus factor (Rh) is not mimicked in nature and so antibodies are not formed in Rh negative people until after an exposure - usually when an Rh negative women carries an Rh positive child. If the person is Rh positive then antibodies will not form no matter what.

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Q: How is it that an incompatible ABO blood group will generate a transfusion reaction the first time a transfusion is given while Rh incompatibility creates a problem the second time?
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What risks for a recipient in a blood transfusion are there?

The blood given by transfusion must be matched with the recipient's blood type. Incompatible blood types can cause a serious adverse reaction (transfusion reaction). Blood is introduced slowly by gravity flow directly into the veins

Is a serious and potentially fatal complication that occurs when the patient's blood and the donated blood do not match?

Acute immune hemolytic reaction

What is a hemolytic reaction to a blood transfusion?

Most severe type, but rare incompatible blood incompatibility in multiple transfusions. Mostlikely to occurs when transfused red cells react with circulating antibody in the recipient with resultant intravascular hemolysis. When a group O patient is mistakenly transfused with group A, B, or AB blood. Patients receiving a major ABO- incompatible marrow or stem cell transplant with sufficient red cell content will likely develop an acute hemolytic reaction. Symptoms are: fever, chills and fever, the feeling of heat along the vein in which the blood is being transfused, pain in the lumbar region, constricting pain in the chest, tachycardia, hypotension, and hemoglobinemia with subsequent hemoglobinuria and hyperbilirubinemia. Prevention: proper identification of patients, pre-transfusion blood samples and blood components at the same time of transfusion.

What are the hazards of incompatible blood transfusion?

Risks associated with autologous blood transfusion include transfusion reaction if an allogeneic blood transfusion was inadvertently given and transmission of infectious agents if the blood became contaminated.

What is the possible cause of death in a blood transfusion?

These complications may include an acute hemolytic transfusion reaction (AHTR), which is most commonly caused by ABO incompatibility. The patient may complain of pain, difficult breathing, fever and chills, facial flushing, and nausea.

What are the expected results for incompatibility test?

No Reaction At All.

What is chemical incompatibility?

Two or more materials are said to be chemically incompatible when they cannot exist in each other's or one another's mutual contact for more than a few minutes without commencing a chemical reaction between or among themselves.

What are the risks associated with receiving a blood transfusion?

Sometimes problems occur with a blood transfusion, but that is supposed to be rare. Some people can have an allergic reaction to the transfusion.

Why collect a urinalysis after a blood transfusion reaction?

monitor the treatment

Why is medication not allowed to be infused into the blood transfusion set while a blood transfusion is going on?

Every blood transfusion carries the risk of allergic reaction, to anaphylactic shock, even if blood type is perfectly matched. If medication was also infused along with the blood, and the patient had an allergic reaction, it would be impossible to tell which sustance was causing the reaction: the blood? or the medication? Remember that every transfusion reaction can be deadly. As well, some meds may break down blood components. Therefore, never inject IV meds into a transfusion tubing or combine medications into a blood transfusion set.

In a transfusion reaction the hemolysis of mismatched erythrocytes results from what?

Complement Fixation

What does adverse transfusion event mean?

"Adverse" means harmful or unfavorable, and transfusion probably refers to blood transfusion--so a negative reaction to a blood transfusion? The term is very vague; without context it's hard to say exactly what this would mean.