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Yes, language can sometimes, many times, be used to manipulate other people. I have had considerable training in sales, and even though most people will argue that they cannot be coerced into buying something they don't want, it's actually pretty easy to do. Talking someone into buying something they think they don't want is, most of the time, a matter of choosing the right words. One very minor example, avoid using terms like "buying" or "purchasing" and instead talk about "owning."

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2d ago

Language is a powerful tool for communication and persuasion. Skilled individuals can use language to influence or manipulate others by framing ideas in a certain way, appealing to emotions, or creating a sense of urgency. Through the use of rhetoric and persuasive techniques, language can be a potent weapon for shaping perceptions and behavior.

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Q: How is language a powerful weapon and in the hands of a skilled person can it be used to manipulate others?
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What does the idiom silver-tongued mean?

The idiom "silver-tongued" refers to someone who is highly persuasive or skillful in speaking. It implies that the person has a knack for using language effectively to charm or manipulate others.

Is handing a loaded word?

Using loaded words means employing language that evokes strong emotional reactions in order to manipulate or persuade others. It can be an effective but unethical tactic in communication or argumentation.

What extent can language be used to obtain knowledge?

Language is a powerful tool for obtaining knowledge as it allows individuals to communicate, exchange ideas, and convey information. Through language, individuals can access a wide range of sources such as books, academic papers, and conversations with others to enhance their understanding of a subject. However, language also has limitations as it may be influenced by biases, interpretations, and cultural nuances that can impact the accuracy and depth of knowledge obtained.

Why body language it so important?

Body language is important because it conveys nonverbal communication that can often be more powerful than verbal communication. It helps us to understand and interpret the emotions, feelings, and intentions of others. It can also influence how others perceive us and can impact the overall effectiveness of our communication.

How many American words are there in sign language?

It is a language just like english, french, spanish, and others. There are literally thousands of words in the language.

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Who said Language is a powerful weapon and in the hands of a skilled person it can be used to manipulate others?

Noam Chomsky, a renowned linguist and philosopher, is often attributed with the quote "Language is a powerful tool, it can be used to manipulate others." Chomsky's work in linguistics has explored the power dynamics of language and how it can influence thought and behavior.

What does the idiom silver-tongued mean?

The idiom "silver-tongued" refers to someone who is highly persuasive or skillful in speaking. It implies that the person has a knack for using language effectively to charm or manipulate others.

A sentence for manipulate?

After observing the loved and the unloved, we found the loved ones rarely tried to manipulate others

Control over the actions of others is called .?

Control over the actions of others is called manipulation.

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In my experience, sociopaths use religion to manipulate others.

What word means skilled at deceiving others?

archery of course!

What is machiavellian personality?

Someone who gets pleasure from others causing others evil.That, and having the skills and savvy to manipulate others to do what you need them to do to serve your agenda.

How do you be the best in Star Craft 2?

by beating others and being skilled

What is the name for the skilled person who wrote things for others in Mesopotamia?


Why did the Greeks become skilled sailors?

They need to so they can transport others :)

Skilled horse riders who were nomads?

There were many skilled horsemen that were nomads. This could include the Mongols,Native American tribes, the Huns, and many others.

What is a word that means skilled at deceiving others?

mischevious, I'm pretty sure.