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While changes in diet are no substitute for medical treatment, they can complement the detoxification process. The following nutritional changes are recommended

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Q: How is lead poisoning treated in alternative medicine?
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Related questions

Who does lead cause the most problems to?

Lead poisoning is a very serious illness that can result in damage to almost all of the major organ systems. If it is not treated, lead poisoning can result in death.

How is lead poisoning treated by doctors?

When blood levels of lead are high enough to produce poisoning, the doctor may prescribe chelation therapy. This refers to treatment with chemicals that bind to the lead and help the body pass it in urine at a faster rate.

What are alternative treatments for lead poisoning?

getting enough calcium, zinc, and protein may help reduce the amount of lead the body absorbs. Iron is also important, since people who are deficient in this nutrient absorb more lead

Who first had lead poisoning?

There is some evidence that ancient, prehistoric peoples who smelted lead and tin suffered from lead poisoning.

Can a mechanical pencil give you lead poisoning?

Due to the fact that most pencil lead is graphite, you can't get lead poisoning. :)

Can you get lead poisoning from lead flashing?


What's Lead poisoning?

When a person ingests or breathes in too much lead for their body to naturally process, they are at risk for lead poisoning.

What causes lead poisoning?

When a person ingests or breathes in too much lead for their body to naturally process, they are at risk for lead poisoning.

Can lead kill you?

Yes it can, you can die from lead poisoning from lead.

How is mold poisoning treated?

Black mold specifically if breathed in can and will cause respiratory infections like ammonia or broncidis even Asama that could lead to death

How does lead poisoning affect children?

lead poisoning in a child can lead to learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and even mental retardation. At very high levels, lead poisoning can cause seizures, coma, and even death.

How did Beethoven get lead poisoning?

Beethoven's death was believed to be a result of prolonged exposure to lead poisoning. It is not known what caused Beethoven's exposure to lead poisoning for so much of his life. There is speculation that, because he was a fairly heavy drinker, he perhaps drank from lead cups. Another alternative is that, because he had consulted so many doctors for his various ailments, lead exposure may have come from the many medical treatments he received which, in his time, were often laced with heavy metals.