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treatment may include a comprehensive diet tailored to the individual patient; vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and or homeopathic remedies tailored to the individual

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Q: How is mercury poisoning treated in alternative medicine?
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How is heavy metal poisoning treated in alternative medicine?

Alternative practitioners often rely on the same chelating agents used by standard doctors to treat heavy metal poisoning, but also use natural supplements and additional techniques

How is food poisoning treated in alternative medicine?

Those suffering from food poisoning should reduce all sugar and normal food for eight to 24 hours, and increase fluids to avoid dehydration.

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While changes in diet are no substitute for medical treatment, they can complement the detoxification process. The following nutritional changes are recommended

How is Mercury poisoning treated by doctors?

A person diagnosed with mercury poisoning may be prescribed a drug that binds the mercury, and thus helps the body excrete it quickly.

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There is no alternative treatment for complement problems.

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Alternative remedies can lessen the frequency and severity of headaches.

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Conductive hearing loss can be treated with alternative therapies that are specific to the particular condition.

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Cancer is treated in alternative medicine using various ways. These are non-conventional methods of treatment which include aromatherapy, acupuncture, massage and so much more.

How are pregnancy symptoms treated in alternative medicine?

Alternative medicine offers a variety of treatments for conditions ranging from morning sickness to stretch marks.

How is chronic chemical poisoning treated by alternative medicine?

A healthy diet, nutritional supplements and/or detoxification therapy are also helpful. Detoxification therapy is especially effective for the liver, which is the organ that metabolizes most toxins.

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How is morning sickness treated in alternative medicine?

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