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Q: How is sepals and petals similar?
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How many petals and sepals does a rose have?

Petals: 5 Sepals: 5

How many petals and sepals are on a jasmine?

5 petals:3 sepals

Name the sterile leaves of a flower?

The sterile leaves of the flower are the sepals and the petals.

How many petals and sepals does a hibiscus?

There are commonly 5 petals and about 7 or above sepals in it

How many petals and sepals does sampaguita have?

100 petals

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Is there any flower in which sepels and petals look similar?

There are many plants in which sepals and petals are simlar for example is Chenopodium album (Goose feet Plant).

What are the petals of a flower called collectively?

The collective name for the petals of a flower is the corolla.

What is the structure that protects the petals?

The sepals.

How many sepals are there in flower daisy?

their are 5 sepals and petals in flower none you moron! @arondelosangeles

How many sepals does a lotus have?

Lotus tend to have 12 to 20 petals.