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With proper respect

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it should never be touched by hand

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Q: How is the Torah treated?
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How was the Torah treated?


How is the Torah treated in festivals?

With respect

Why is the Torah treated carefully?

Respect and love for God's word.

Where is a Torah buried?

The parchment on which the Torah text is written is properly called a Torah scroll or, in Hebrew, a Sefer Torah (sefermeans book). A Torah scroll that is damaged or worn out is treated the same as a deceased Jewish person: it is buried in a cemetery (or at least in the ground), with a burial ceremony and mourning.

What is the phrase that describes the Hebrew belief of how each individual should be treated fairly?

"What is hateful to you, do not do to another. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go study."

What is the phrase that describe the Hebrew belief of how each individual should be treated fairly?

"What is hateful to you, do not do to another. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go study."

How do the Bible the Talmud and the Torah differ from each other in ideology customs and central themes?

The Bible is a Christian text whose first half is a translation of the Hebrew Bible.The Hebrew Bible is called the Tanakh, which contains the Torah and the books of the Israelite prophets. The Torah's ideology is presenting the world background and the laws and beliefs of Judaism, plus future prophecies and more. Laws are treated at length, and customs only in passing.The rest of the Tanakh has as its ideology the upholding of the Torah. For more, see these links:What_is_the_history_of_the_Jewish_BibleWhy_was_the_Hebrew_Bible_importantWhat_roles_did_prophets_play_in_ancient_israelThe Talmud has as its ideology the purpose of clarifying the Torah. It spells out the traditions and details concerning the brief verses in the Torah. It also lists many customs. For more:What_are_the_top_facts_about_the_Talmud

Why was the Torah named Torah?

The word Torah means 'Teachings'.

Why is the Torah called the Torah?

Torah is the Hebrew word for "Teaching" or "Instruction".Answer:The Torah itself names itself "The Torah" (Deuteronomy 31:24).

What is the hebrew word for Torah reader?

a male torah reader = koreh torah (קורא תורה) a female torah reader = koreht torah (קוראת תורה) (You can also say ba'al torah for men and ba'alat torah for women)

How is the Jewish holy book treated?

With respect. Printed books of the Torah and prophets may not be placed directly on the floor or under other kinds of books or items. When worn out, they are not put in the trash.

What is a D'var Torah?

A D'var Torah is an expounding of a Torah idea or thought.