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Q: How is the dust taken away from a sanding machine?
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How is dust taken away from a sanding machine?

through an extractor fan

How much dust is taken away from a sanding machine?

What kind of sander? what grit sand paper are you useing? do you have a dust collector? you need to have a lot more info to get a answer!!

Which respirator is used to protect against dust from sanding and grinding?

Dust resperator

How to limit dust from sanding a wall?

Most hardware stores sell a manual or electric sander which use sanding screens. As you sand, the screen allows dust to be sucked into the sander, which comes with a flexible hose, and adapters to fit on your vacuum hose. The vacuum pulls in the dust.

What are the safety issues with using a sanding block?

Breathing the dust may be hazardous to your long-term health, so please use a dust mask. Accidentally sanding your skin can draw blood, and subsequently become infected if you do not keep the wound covered.

Is dried gorilla glue dust from sanding toxic to inhale?

May not be actually toxic, but certainly NOT healthy !You should ALWAYS wear a good mask while sanding anything !

Is Spanish cedar dust harmful to breath?

All dust is harmful to breathe! I once got pneumonia from sanding Honduran mahogany - down for a week. Since wear a mask and use air cleaners when sanding. Other sites state that SC dust is a carcenogen and that sanding without protection will ruin your taste buds for days. Neither is good. Generally the finer the dust, the worse it is for you (goes deeper into the lungs). SC has really fine dust. However - not poisonous ala lacewood, which seems to have some of the same qualities as poison ivy.

How do you remove sanding dust before varnishing furniture?

Use a tack rag, available at hardware store.

How can factory printed ink labels be removed from new pressure treated wood?

Sanding is the only way that I know, but be careful and wear a mask there might be dangerous particles from the pressure treatment in the dust and do the sanding outside.

Do I Wipe down after sanding a wall?

Yes, wipe away excess/loose dust particles with a dry cloth. No need to go overboard here. Just wipe the walls down. A Swiffer pad works especially well.

Do you need to dust between sanding?

I'm not completely sure what you mean but i will just say with sanding it is a good idea to keep excess dust off of the surface partly so it is easier to tell whether the surface is truly flat and so their is not a huge build up which can be dangerous if inhaled or if it gets into eyes. Hope this helps.

Is it faster to sand or strip cabinets?

Stip but it is messy and uses chemicals. Sanding takes much longer and leave dust everywhere.