

How is the glue put on?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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11y ago

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Glues are put on in many different ways. Some are squeezed from a tube or bottle, some are painted on with a brush, others are sprayed on, some are mixed then put on with a small stick.

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11y ago

It's smeared lightly on one piece to be joined, preferably with a swab or brush. -Most failures of super glues are due to too much glue on the joint.

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it will get all non sticky and it will be all watery so what to do is put more glue it about how much detergent you put that how much glue you put let say i use 3 in a half cups of detergent ok? now i gotta put 4 in a half cups of glue then it will be ok or simpley just restart :) info: you will need elmers glue( liqiud ) two cups make sure ther small and the same and spoon to stir detergent (any kind doesnet matter) mixing boil or use the cups :) put glue into a cup then put detergent into the other cup not the same one with the glue in it it should be any amount of glue but only 3 half of detergent or it depends on how much glue you put. then mix then together (glue and detergent) and stir till you get putty!! :D enjoy

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Put glue on the tissue paper dumb ppl.