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Every 10 years we have a census. The total population of the country is divided into 50 states. The total population is divided by 435 - the number of representatives mandated by law - and then allocated to the population of each state. Currenly each state gets 1 representative for about every 709,000 people. The one exception to this rule is that each state is allowed at least one representative regardless of how small their population might be.

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6y ago

The number of representatives that a state has is determined by its population.

After the official census is completed every ten years, Congress adjusts the number of Representatives based on the new population figures. The total number is currently fixed at 435, so if one state gains in population enough to merit another representative, some other state must lose a representative. Each state must have at least one US Representative. (All states have exactly 2 US Senators.)

* When the Constitution was ratified there was one representative assigned for each 30,000 people in a state and for a while the size of the House grew with the population. It eventually could be seen that the number needed to fixed, and 435 was decided as the limit. If a new state is added, the number is temporarily expanded to allow a representative for the new state. This last occurred in 1959 when Alaska and Hawaii temporarily pushed the total to 437.)

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13y ago

The population based on the US Census.

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Each state may have at least one representative. California is the state with the most representatives with 53. Law states that there will be no more than 435 representatives in the house.

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It is two for every state, no matter what. However, in the House of Representatives, it varies based on population.

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There are 438 Representatives in the House based on the population of the state. There are also two Senators that represent each state.

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