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Q: How is the silk road like the roads today?
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Related questions

How many silk roads are there?

There are 33 roads on the silk road.

What did the silk roads promote?

The silk road promoted commodity and cultural exchange

What did the Chinese trade on the silk roads?

SILK! among other things if it started in China then why do you think it is called the SILK road?

What is the human environment interaction in the silk roads?

Well, first of all, in the silk road they used it as trade routes and they had to make a road in the ground.

Is the silk road longer than the us?

The silk road wasn't one road, but a network of roads across asia, europe, africa, and the middle east. So, yes.

Conflicts that occurred on the silk roads?

One conflict is that the Romans sent out soldiers on the silk road to find out how to make silk, but they didn't succeed.

Why did people traveled the silk roads?

they used the silk road to travel on because that maybe the only way to get to the place there going to

What were some religions that spread during the silk roads?

Most Roman, Persian, and Greek religions spread around the silk roads during that time.

What are the silk road conditions like?

the silk road was very safe

Where do you think we would be if the silk road never existed?

so the clothes will be made not just only of silk but other diffrent kind of things

How did the silk roads affect people politically?

The silk road was used for political purposes by trading and traveling to different countries ending in Java. The road was also in political resources by animals that people killed to eat. So the silk road was used for many political purposes but one thing we will never know is the amazing story of why the chinese people decided to actually make a nature-made silk road as we know it today it has its own special story why and how!!

What is silk roads purpose?

The silk road was used to trade items such as gold, grapes pomegranates, and jade from the west. Silk, gunpowder, paper and bamboo were sent out from china in the East. Ideas were also passed along the road such as Buddhism.