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Q: How is toothpaste used in space?
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Was edible toothpaste used in a mission in space?

was toothpaste used in a misson in space

Was edible toothpaste used in space?

Yes. Astronauts in space use toothpaste that is edible. Because of the absence of gravity in space, being able to swallow toothpaste is much more convenient for astronauts than having to spit it out. For this reason, edible toothpaste is used.

How was edible toothpaste used in space?

Th astronauts used it for brushing their teeth up in space. Since ther is no gravity in space they had to swallow it.

Was edible toothpaste used in space shuttle?

Most toothpaste is harmful to the body if consumed in large amounts. This is because of the fluorides in it so I don't believe so.

What items do you use in space that you can find in my home?

Velcro, and tubes like those used for toothpaste.

What was edible toothpaste's mission?

Since astronauts couldn't spit out the toothpaste in space NASA made edible toothpaste so they could just swallow the toothpaste.

What is in the Romans have in there toothpaste?

they used urine as toothpaste

What is edible toothpaste?

edible toothpaste was invented by NASA so astronauts could swallow the toothpaste after brushing their teeth because spitting it out is harmful to people in the spacecraft and the equipment.

What did Yuri Gagarin eat in space?

Toothpaste and Chocolate!

Sorbitol in dog toothpaste?

Sorbitol is used in human toothpaste to stop it drying out in the tube.It will be used in dog toothpaste for the same reason

Can a strawberry be used for making toothpaste?

No you can not use strawberrys for making toothpaste

Why is cellulose gum used in close up toothpaste?

cellulose gum is in toothpaste because it creates a thick toothpaste