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The barrier reef is more than 1,16,000 square miles.

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Q: How large is the barrier reef?
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Are dugongs in the Great Barrier Reef?

Yes, large populations of dugong live in the Great Barrier Reef.

What is the difference between coral reefs and The Great Barrier Reef?

A fringing reef forms a continuous underwater "wall" for some distance, where as a "barrier Reef" are shorter in distances, and have large gaps in them....and will be between shore and the Barrier Reef..............Sea Rambo

How is the Great Barrier Reef different to the other natural wonders of the world?

The Great Barrier Reef is so large that it can be seen from space.

When did the Great Barrier Reef get it name?

The Great Barrier Reef was named by Matthew Flinders, the first explorer to circumnavigate the Australian continent.The Great Barrier Reef is a coral reef placed into the category of 'barrier reef'. This means that the reef is separated from the coastline due to the water's depth being too deep. The reef was given its name because of the following.Great: The Great Barrier Reef is a large and vast coral reef: at 2000km long, it is the largest coral reef in the world.Barrier: The Great Barrier Reef is a barrier reef. A barrier reef is one which runs parallel to the shore, separated by a channel of water.Reef: The Great Barrier Reef is a coral reef.

What is the large coral reef found along the eastern coast of Australia?

The Great Barrier Reef

How large is the world's largest barrier reef?

The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Australia, is 344,400 square kilometres (133,000 sq mi)

What type of site is the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef is a coral reef.

Which of these is a large underwater formation made by corals?

The Great Barrier Reef

What is the name of a barrier reef?

The barrier reef off of the coast of Australia is the Great Barrier Reef. This reef is the largest coral reef system in the entire world.

Is the Great Barrier Reef protected?

A large part the the Great Barrier Reef is protected in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. However, there are still threats to the reef. They include mass coral bleaching (due to global warming), chemicals from runoff, and population breakouts of crown of thorns starfish.

What is the proper name for the Great Barrier Reef?

The proper name for the Great Barrier Reef is simply "Great Barrier Reef".

Is Osprey Reef located on the Great Barrier Reef?

No. Although Osprey Reef is in the Coral Sea, where the Great Barrier Reef is located, it is actually separate from the Great Barrier Reef.