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As long as you can work the ground you can install fescue/bluegrass. Can ZOYZIA sod be placed in January ?

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Q: How late into winter can you lay sod?
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Can you lay Bermuda sod in Kansas in late October?

Bermuda is a warm season grass (it goes dormant in the winter), so it is not advised to plant after August. The sod needs warm temperatures for several weeks to product healthy roots.

How walleye reproduce?

They lay eggs in the late winter, early summer.

Can you sod patch your lawn in the heat of summer?

Certainly, you can lay sod at anytime. You do have to insure that there is plenty of water for the new sod.

How late is too late to plant sod in Salt Lake City Utah?

Late fall is when it is too late to plant sod in Salt Lake City, Utah. You can plant sod up until the soil temperature is down to 32 degrees. This allows you to plant throughout October.

What is the best way to lay sod?

green side up

Do you really need black dirt before you lay out the sod in the Minneapolis area?

It would be a good idea to put down black dirt before you lay sod in any area.

How can the word sod be used in a sentence?

The sod house was warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The workers will be here in the morning to sod the yard. (slang) He was a cantankerous old sod and seldom had a good word for anyone.

How do you lay sod?

Roll the sod out on smooth black dirt. Push the sod strips together do there is not to big of a gapso the routes will not dry out then also sprinkle little bits of dirt on gaps along edges and joins to seal. Then water a fair bit to help establish a route system. And it should grow.

How long do you have to lay sod down before it dies?

In the summer 24 hours from harvest. In the winter we have gone as long as 2 weeks with no problems. Just remember the cooler the weather the longer the shelf life.

Should you kill everything in your yard before you lay sod?

definently but organically is reccomended by most professionals

Does late winter mean spring or winter?


How do you grow grass in bare area?

You could lay sod, but make sure it is wet sod. The sod dries up easily if its roots are not wet. You could also try seed grass there is no guarantee that it will grow but make sure you keep it watered. I would recommend sod it is easy and make i look real, nice and green