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Q: How long ago do scientist think plants evolved stomata?
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They do not think plant life 'came' to Earth. They believe it evolved here.

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192 but scientist think that is wrong

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Scientist believe that prokaryotic cells evolved 1.5 billion years ago.

Why do scientist think green algae and plants have a common ancestor?

They share chlorophyll.

Scientists think that plants evolved directly from what kingdom?

Scientists believe that plants evolved directly from a freshwater green algae called charophyte. There are two different types of charophytes, coleochaetales and charales, which strongly resemble earliest land plants.

Why do you think stomata shut at night?

To stop water loss from the plant. In the day light photosynthesis is taking place and carbon dioxide needs to be admitted into the stomata for this process. At night, no light, so plants, who lose water all day long, as it is replaced by the roots, shut the no longer needed stomata to conserve water.

What will happen if there are too many stomata on the top of the leaf?

Stomata are a plants way of exchanging gasses in photosynthesis. The stomata also are resoponsible for transpiration. Most plants have stomata on the under side of the leaf in order to prevent too much water loss. There already is a lot of stomata in leaves but I think you mean to ask "What would happen if the stomata were open all the time?" this would result in mass water loss and cause a plant to wilt.Edited answer:Large number of stomata will increase porocity of the leaves and will facilitate better gaseous exchange and more transpiration.