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The underlying supposition of this question, namely that Palestine was ever a Nation in the sense of having self-determination over domestic affairs, is incorrect.

Palestinians trace their roots back to the Abbassid Caliphate in the 1100s and 1200s when Arab blood and Nabatean/Canaanite blood began to mix in what would become the British Mandate of Palestine. This group of people was in no way unique from the peoples who would become the Syrians, Jordanians, or Lebanese. The Abbassid holdings eventually fell to the Mamluks who then lost it to the Seljuks and Ottoman Turks. The Ottomans were forced to cede the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine to the British who held it until 1948, when they withdrew pursuant to UN Resolution 181. Palestinians are trying currently to declare themselves a Nation, but this has not gotten UN backing, nor would it lead to a historically relevant claim.

If what you are trying to ask is "Over what time period did ethnic Palestinians make up the majority population of the territory constituted by the British Mandate of Palestine?" the answer is easier: from the origins of the Palestinian people to 1949 when the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9 ended and Palestinians were forbidden from returning to Israel.

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Q: How long did Palestine remain an Arab Nation?
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