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Q: How long did it take isis to find osiris body and what day did she find it?
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Where did Anubis Come From?

The god anubis came from the goddess nephthys and the god osiris. but was soon given up to his aunt isis. but in the long run no one really knows for sure. they say his father could also be osiris' brother Seth or Set.

What was Osiris known for?

Osiris is the God of the Underworld. The myth of Osiris is the main reason why he is famous. It is said that he was murdered by his brother Seth. He cut him into pieces before hiding them in 14 different locations. Osiris' wife Isis discovered the pieces and put them together to make the first mummy.

How old is Osiris?

Well When Osiris was King of The Gods (after Ra The Sun God) On his birthday his brother Set ,The God Of Evil, came to give his brother his birthday present. But everyone knew that Set was always a rude,heartless,evil,liar so nobody really trusted him especially his wife Isis. Osiris was a bit skeptical but when Osiris saw the gift that Set gave him he was lost in the beauty of his present. A gold long slender coffin. All the Gods and Goddesses tried going into the coffin but either they were to tall or to short when Osiris went to try his wife Isis held him back she told him how Set was a liar and he always played tricks and deceived people and lured them into death. But Osiris just shook her off and laughed he said that his brother was just giving him a harmless gift. When Osiris went and laid down in the coffin he was overjoyed when he saw that he was the only one that fit. But when he tried to get out he couldn't it was like an invisible force was holding him back. Set laughed and made a ladle of molten gold come out of nowhere and covered the coffin heating to over a 1000 degrees and sank towards the floor and the King of the gods was gone. Osiris then became King of the Underworld by dying. But back at the palace Set told Isis to run because that whats she did best and she turned into a kite (a type of bird) and flew away with her son Horus. Now that Set was Osiris's brother he was next in line unless someone challenged him but no one dared to. When Isis and her son found there Husband/Father Set appeared and smashed the coffin into 14 pieces. After thousands of years Isis finally found all the pieces but Osiris was long gone in the Underworld as King.

Is the tomb of osiris real?

I've studied ancient Egypt for a fraction of my life, and have grown intrigued with the matter entirely. Wether the tomb of Osiris is real is debateable. You see, based on my knowledge, the tomb of Osiris is supposedly located on Biga Island in southern Egypt, just south west of the temple of Isis. This is logical considering Isis and Osiris were spouses and had a son name of Horus. Unfortunately, the tale of the Tomb may be submerged underwater as a result of the construction of the Aswan Dam. This dam may have flooded most of the island. It is a mystery if the island, or better yet, the entire tomb is still there, perhaps even a fragment. Also, some fascinating legend behind Osiris goes some what like this: Osiris was one of the great Pharaoh's of Egypt in history, of both upper and lower Egypt (he wore the crown with white and red, expressing the unitement of upper and lower Egypt). He ruled Egypt greatly with his wife Isis. Isis had long golden wings, and Osiris was of what looked to be just an ordinary Pharaoh. They had a son, name of Horus with the face of a Falcon. Finally after many years of ruling, Osiris's greedy brother, Seth, or better known as Set, not to be confused with Seti, grew eager to take control of Egypt. He then, with preceeding planning, assassinated his brother. Set chopped up the body into many pieces (some say 13, some say 26, it's debateable) and scattered the pieces among the vast deserts of Egypt. Isis mourned his death, and was enraged. To avenge his death, she gathered the pieces of the body. This took many years. In the mean time, the high priests found guilt in Seth's story, and Horus became the Pharoh of Egypt in his Father's place. After all the pieces were gathered, she wrapped them to form the first mummy of Egypt. She placed them in the, "Holy mound," commonly known as the small Biga Island. She formed the temple there. Horus lead the Empire strong, as eventually, Isis died, and requested a temple near the island, although the architects and builders were unsure why. Since then, Osiris was the great ruler of the living and dead, the God of the underworld known as Duat. I hope this documentary supplied concise, logical and of course helpful information.

How long did Isis Live?

Isis, a ancient Egyptian goddess, was immortal. She is never told to have died in Egyptian myth.

What is ancient Egypts religion?

Religion in Ancient Egypt was polytheistic (many gods). These included gods and goddesses . Some were just local deities, others were worshipped for a long time all over Egypt, such as Isis.

What did Isis look like?

atop her head was a lunar orb with bulls horns around itor just a small throne on her head

What was osiris' job?

Osiris was the Ancient Egyptain god of the dead. He took the people into the afterlife. He had the appearnace of a mummified person usually with a green colored face and a body that was wrapped in linen (cloth used for mumification process that is ninety days long). He also was the god for fertilty and he ruled or domuinated the afterlife. He was known as the god of the underworld.

Where can you find Osiris shoes for teenage girls without ordering them?

Well i live on long island, but i actually just bought a pair for myself yesterday, i went to incredible feet. but im pretty sure any shoe store should have them, but iff not google and ask what stores carry Osiris sneakers. hope this helps :)

What are the best brands of kids shoes?

It is either Osiris for good designs or Nike,Adidas,Reebok for long last.

What tipe of Egyptian clothes did Cleopatra wear?

The only type of Egyptian clothing that Cleopatra is ever reported as wearing was her Isis outfit. She identified with the goddess Isis and would appear in public dressed as the goddess and she referred to herself as the New Isis. Most of the time, however she dressed as any other Greek woman with the long chiton. (Remember, she was Greek)

What did the god of amun and osiris did?

Osiris was the Ancient Egyptain god of the dead. He took the people into the afterlife. He had the appearnace of a mummified person usually with a green colored face and a body that was wrapped in linen (cloth used for mumification process that is ninety days long). He also was the god for fertilty and he ruled or domuinated the afterlife. He was known as the god of the underworld.