

How long did the US fight in Vietnam?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: How long did the US fight in Vietnam?
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When did the US arrive to fight in Vietnam?

about 1957

What war did the US fight in the 60's?

{| |- | The US involvement in Vietnam began in the 60's. The French had been involved in the war for a long time. Vietnam War went forward for a decade. |}

Were did the us fight in Vietnam?

The USAF & USN fought in NORTH Vietnam (in the skies); the US Army & USMC fought on the ground in SOUTH Vietnam.

Why US Involvement in Vietnam?

Because of US Policy to fight communism.

Which nation did the US fight against in the Vietnam war?

North Vietnam (capital was Hanoi).

Why did the us send in soldiers to Vietnam?

To fight communism.

What side did fight in the Vietnam?

The US fought for the South.

Did Irish soldiers fight in the Vietnam war?

Plenty of US Servicemen of Irish descent fought in the war, but Ireland did not fight in the Vietnam War.

What did the us fight for in the Vietnam war?

To prevent the communist take over of the Republic of South Vietnam.

How many troops were taken to Vietnam to fight?

Approximately 2,594,000 US servicemen served in the Vietnam War.

Why did the US not do well in the Vietnam War?

Because the US soldierswere not trained to fight in the Jungle

Why United States Help Vietnam fight the Japanese in 1944?

The US supported Ho Chi Minh fight the Japanese in Vietnam as part of their war with Japan .