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Q: How long did the british soldiers stay in Egypt in the gallipoli campaign?
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Where in Egypt did the Australian soldiers train before they were sent to Gallipoli and what was it like?

next to the pyramids

What places in the world did Australian soldiers fight in World War 2?

Australia in world war 2Australian soldiers generally fought in the pacific campaigns but they also had involvement in the African campaign in Egypt and Libya as well as the Italian campaign but by for the pacific campaign was were most Australian soldiers were fighting a lot of the time they fought alongside British and other commonwealth forces. the New Zealand soldiers fought with the Australians often to form ANZAC.

World war 1 soldiers training in Egypt?

Yes the Australian forces during WW1 did in fact train in British held Egypt. Check out the Movie Gallipoli or visit

Where did the Anzacs do their training before Gallipoli?


Where we're the Anzacs training before Gallipoli?


Where did the anzacs train before the gallipoli fight?


When did the anzacs leave Egypt?

A few days prior to the Gallipoli invasion the bulk of the troops left to participate in the attack. Throughout the campaign some medical staff were stationed in Alexandria for the worst of the casualties.

What were the napoleon troops doing in Egypt when they found the Rosetta stone?

werent they confronting british soldiers?

How long did they train at Gallipoli?

The ANZAC troops did not train at Gallipoli. They trained in Egypt, usually for a period of three months.

Where did Australian troops train prior to go to Gallipoli?

25 April 1915 - world war Ithe Australian and New Zealand Army corps (the anzacs) trained together in Egypt and quickly gained a reputation as a wild and tough bunch of men__traits that did not endear them to their British commanding officers. Australians were not keen on military discipline.

Why did Gallipoli do world war 1 with Australia?

They went to egypt.

Where did the Anzacs train prior to going to Gallipoli?

Australia and Egypt.