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Q: How long do ducks carry there fertilize eggs?
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How long until ducks eggs hatch?

21 to 30 days

When you part with a male duck how long is before the female eggs are no longer fertile?

It varies among species of ducks. Some female species can store sperm for a week or less, while others can store sperm for 100 days or more. For those ducks storing for a week or less, pairs often continue to mate throughout follicle development. This ensures the female has sperm available to fertilize the eggs as they leave the ovaries and have viable eggs.

How long do call duck eggs take to hatch?

28 for common ducks and up to 35 days for Muscovy ducks.

How long does a male guinea take to fertilize eggs once introduced to hens?

As soon as the male serves the hens then the eggs should be fertilised.

What do ducks do on a farm?

there are no ducks on farms. furthermore nakuji stinks.

how long before a baby duck is born?

Ducks aren't born, they're hatched from eggs.

How long do eggs in the goldfish stomach going to fertillised?

Males will start fertilizing the eggs that come from a female goldfish's body immediately. Once the eggs are released the male will follow up and fertilize them.

After the female viperfish how do they care for them?

All fish lay eggs, mammals such as dolphins carry their young and then nurse them after birth.THIS IS NOT AN ANSWER TO THE QUESTION. IT ASK HOW LONG DOES A FISH STAY PREGNANT NOT IF THEY GET PREGNANT.Goldfish reproduction: * female lays eggs * male sprays cloud of milt (sperm) to fertilize the eggs * eggs develop and hatch into fry * fry develop into goldfish As you can see there is no pregnancy involved in the reproduction of goldfish.

How long do turkeys carry offspring?

Turkeys lay eggs.

How long do koi carry their eggs?

4 days at 70F

How long can axolotls carry eggs for?

100-1000 eggs