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A parent wishing to claim a minor child as a dependent on their tax return must have contributed to more than half of the child's financial needs. Therefore it is not the amount of time but it is the amount of monies spent for the child's welfare (food, clothing, shelter, medical needs, education, etc.) that determines whether or not a deduction can be taken.

In addition it will also depend upon which parent has primary custody and his or her financial status in regards to the child monetary support.

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Q: How long do you have to work in a year to claim a child?
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How old does a child have to be two claim them on taxes?

Kids should not have to pay taxes as long as they are still under the car of an adult. If a teen has been emancipated, then they will be required to pay taxes.

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If he has no taxable expenses in the child then he cant claim on tax.

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Two people can not claim the same child. It's as simple as that. If the judge ordered that he get to claim the child for that certain year. Then he gets to claim him for whatever deductions apply to him.

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The child that the child actually lives with for most of the year can claim the EIC on the child. If the divorce agreement specifies that a non-custodial parent can claim the child on his or her taxes, it does not mean that he or she can claim the EIC on the child. EIC is not granted in court orders. To claim EIC, you must pass the age, relationship, and residency requirements. If the child does not actually live with the non-custodial parent for most of the year than the non-custodial parent may NOT claim the child.

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As long as the child is genuinely the dependent of a new person, that person can claim them as a dependent for that year.

Can you claim your child if someone claimed him last year?

yes you can

Can your mother claim your son on her taxes if you owe back child support?

To claim a child as a dependent on your taxes, the child must have lived with you and you must have provided support for over 50% of the year. So the mother in this case can claim her grandson on her taxes if she supported the child for at least 183 days out of the year, regardless of whether or not the mother of the child owes back child support.

Can I claim head of household if this year I can not claim my child because his father claims him in even years?

If your child lived with you but you did not claim it as a dependent you can still file head of household. You have to list the child's name and social security number on your return.

Can another family member claim your child if you owe child support?

The person who provided physical custody of the child for more than 50% of the year can claim the child as a dependent, regardless of whether or not back child support is owed.

Who gets to claim a child on taxes?

No, you cannot claim an unborn child on taxes. It is not a dependent until it starts to breathe on its own. The baby must be born before the end of the year in order to claim it on that year's tax return.