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It takes about two months for Monarchs to migrate (in a single migration) from the Northern US and Canada to Mexico. Monarchs will then mate in Mexico, lay eggs, and begin a series of 3 migrations north, taking each succeeding generation further north with each migration before doing it all over again.

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Q: How long does it take a Monarch Butterfly to fly from Chicago to Mexico?
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Which butterfly migrates long distances to and from Mexico?

the monarch

How long has the Butterfly been gone from Mexico?

It still has many different species of butterflies, such as the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) which migrates into Mexico from Canada and the United States during winter months.

How long monarch butterfly?

A Monarch butterfly's length can range from about 4cm as a baby to about 8cm as a full adult.

How long is a monarch in the larvea stage?

for a monarch butterfly it takes about 2 weeks

How long will a monarch butterfly live in a jar?

10 days

How long is the egg stage for a monarch butterfly?

28 to 38

What kinds of food does the monarch butterfly rely on to give it energy for the long journey?

Milkweed is the preferred nectar of the monarch butterfly. They will also feed on clovers, thistles, goldenrods, ironweed, and sunflowers.

How long do monarch butterflies stay pregnant for?

a monarch butterfly stay pregnant up iinto three to five days at least

What is the life expectancy of the solar monarch butterfly?

Since the Monarch butterfly has only a very short lifespan, (usually between 2-6 weeks), a solar monarch butterfly would truly be a wise investment. As it relies only on the sun for it's energy, its life expectancy will be for as long as the sun shines on it.

How long does it take to raise a monarch butterfly?

It takes about 6 or 7 months

What role does the monarch butterflies play in its niche?

One of the important roles the Monarch plays is pollinating on its long migration. It is the only butterfly to migrate that distance.

How do butterflies dry their wings?

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