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Scotchgard Oxy Spot takes approximately one hour to dry. It can take longer with thicker applications or when the weather is humid.

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Q: How long does it take for Scotchgard Oxy Spot and Stain Remover to dry?
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What is the history of shout stain remover?

Shout stain remover was first introduced in 1982 by SC Johnson. It was one of the first stain-fighting products to be marketed directly to consumers and has since become a popular and trusted brand for removing tough stains from clothing and fabrics. Over the years, Shout has continued to innovate its formula and expand its product line to include various stain-fighting solutions.

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Most carpet shampoos are made to remove the stains, not the color of the carpet. As long as you stick to the directions, you should have no problems. If somehow you get a bleached spot in the rug there are carpet dye sticks you can buy to fill in the pigment.

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my cat keeped going to the bathroom in my couch because she was not traineed yet. but i used Arm & hammer stain remover for dogs & cats and it worked it acted like a vacum cleaner. it depeneds what couch you have but if this does not work in your couch try resolve stain and odor remover my mom used that a long time ago and she used it to get the stain out too for the same resen so you could say both of them work.

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Remove Eye Liner by following these steps:Sponge with Drycleaning Solvent.Sponge with Dry Spotter.Keep stain moist and blot occasionally with Absorbent Material.Continue as long as stain is being removed.Flush with Drycleaning Solvent.Repeat above steps until no more stain is removed.Allow to dry completely.Sponge with water.Apply Wet spotter and a few drops of Ammonia and Sponge.Keep stain moist and blot occasionally with Absorbent Material.Continue as long as stain is being removed.Flush with water.Repeat above steps until no more stain is removed.See related link for more specifics

Can you use nail polish remover get mildew stains out of hardwood floors?

The nail polish remover will discolor the wood since it is an acid. You need to kill the mildew. You could apply a mixture of bleach and water to kill the mildew but don't let it stay on the wood for too long because the bleach is an acid also. If the stain remains, you will probably have to sand down and refinish the wood. You may try to brush on a light colored stain to the wood which may cover the mildew stain after you kill it.

Stain too dark?

I have a dark stain on a chair made from old wood.Now I would like to have it natural.Is there anything I can do to get this look Use a paint and stain remover to pull out and remove the old stain. It may require more than one application of the remover to get all the old color out, especially if it is the overnight, environmentally friendly type. If it's available in your area and you don't mind using a very strong chemical, methyl chloride strippers are the strongest and fastest. Of course you'll want to wear heavy gloves, long sleeve shirt and long pants while you are using the strong stuff. Once you've removed the old stain, clean it with mineral spirits to remove all traces of the stripper, then stain it whatever color you like, or leave it natural and coat with a polyurethane.

How do you remove black fingernail polish from a mattress?

Try using straight Acetone (not nail polisher remover, it's not strong enough). Moisten a paper towel or cloth that you plan to throw away and blot the stain. It will take some time, but the stain will lift out of the fabric with enough patience. Good Luck!

How do you get stains out of clothes?

I find the easiest way to get stain out of clothes is to apply washing up liquid to the stain before washing, either in the washing machine or by hand washing. I find this works really well and certainly much cheaper than stain removal products which do not always work

What is the consequence of leaving a stain on the bacterial smear too long over staining?

Leaving a stain on too long generally stains everything; leaving little contrast. Leaving a stain on not long enough doesn't stain enough; leaving little contrast.

Life uniform stain remover washing compound it wont remove any stains on my husbands new lab coat that i just paid 58.00 for and was garranteed that it would take any stain out. can i get a refund?

As long as there is a guarantee that covers the situation, contact the company. Most lab coats are manufactured to avoid any staining - except for permanent markers.

How long is fingernail polish remover flammeable?