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Q: How long does it take for a beer bottle to decombose?
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What is the sum of the numbers to 99 bottles of beer including repeats?

14850 depending on how you sing the last verse (1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer, "take 1 down" pass it around zero bottles of beer on the wall) the alternate is "take it down". the sum then would be 14849. - J&C

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How long does it take to burn off beer calories?

it depends on the type of beer and how much you drank

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Beer does not clean pot out of your system

How long does it take your body to get rid of 11oz 1 bottle of flavored beer?

Theoretically, it takes your body one hour to get rid of one unit of alcohol. However, this figure will vary from person to person, since that figure was based on "the average 12 stone male with a fully functioning liver". Clearly, anyone smaller than this will take longer to break down one unit of alcohol, as will anyone with a less-than-fully-funtioning liver. It's not exactly possible to say how long it will take to break down an 11oz bottle of beer without knowing the alcohol percentage or amount of units within that bottle.

How do you flatten beer and how long does it take?

To flatten beer, pour it into a small saucepan and heat it to a simmer and allow to cool.

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it takes thousands of years for a water bottle to decompose.

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What does hibern mean?

Hibernation occurs only in cold blooded animals. In this process , take an example of beer, beer in the winter season goes into a long sleep.This long sleep is known as hibernation

How long will it take 28 ounces of beer to get out of your system?

2 hours

How long does it take a plastic bottle to dissolve?

400 years

How long does it take for beer to completely clear out of the liver?

it takes about 12 hours