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If your cat is 10 years or older then just enjoy your cat and skip the tricks. Cats are considered very independent, but I've found that not to be true at all. They may act like it, but I own a cat and two dogs and my cat Molly thinks she's a dog. She likes to be part of the family, plays with the dogs and even runs off with their toys. She also comes camping and for car/truck rides with us weather permitting. We have her on a proper cat leash (right around her body and up to her neck so she doesn't slip out of it) and we take her for walks when camping. We just enjoy our cat and don't try teaching her new tricks because she's already funny. Cats are grossly under estimated ... their personalities are great and each cat is different. Some are funny, some are a little more independent while others are loving. When my husband was sick our cat Molly would go over and check every so often to see if he was still breathing or if he was well. Cats have been known (without any training at all) to save people's lives from burning homes, or even babies that may have stopped breathing to people who have disabilities cats can be very good at looking after them. Just enjoy your cat and let their own personality shine through.

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Q: How long does it take for an old cat to learn a trick?
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