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Not very long. It really depends on what kind you have. There are 3 types of tonsillitis - acute, sub-acute and chronic. With the right medication it should take around 2 - 5 weeks depending on how bad yours is. If your tonsils are just red and swollen causing you to have a cough, bad throat, shivering and pains in the head and stomach will usually last around 2 to 4 weeks. Usually if you are suffering from a bad case which may include white patches on your tonsils can last well over a month. Like i said it depends how badly you're affected. You should see your local doctor - he will be able to tell you by looking at them how bad it is and how long it will last. If u suffer from alot of sore throats record every time you have one. You can then show your Doctor and he will be able to tell either if you need your tonsils out. But some doctors will say not to because your tonsils help fight of any infections that are tyring to appear on you.

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14y ago
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13y ago

it depends upon the extend of exposure to cancer causing substance like smoking or working in asbestos mine without aids

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11y ago

it depends upon how much it affected and what kind of medical care you have taken.

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Roughly a couple months.

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Q: How long does it take for cervical cancer to develop?
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How long does HPV take to turn into cervical cancer?

HPV infects the squamous (surface) cells of the cervix. It begins as a low grade lesion, progressing to a high grade, microinvasive, and eventually an invasive cancerous lesion.

How do you avoid cervical cancer?

Get a yearly pap smear from a doctor, have protected sex ( most cervical cancer is a result of HPV that is transmitted through sex), and take care of yourself.

What are some preventative measures one can take in order to decrease their chances of cervical cancer?

The most important preventative measure one can take in order to decrease their chances of cervical cancer is to remember to get an annual Pap smear test.

How long does it take your cervical mucus to thicken while on Depo?

3 months

When pregnant can you take pap smear test?

A pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. It is a normal part of prenatal care.

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1 month

Is Cervical cancer a disease?

No, it is not. But it has a genetic component, and if your family history includes one or more individuals who have had it, then your chances of getting it go up a bit. How much? Your physician will advise you. Just be sure your physician knows your complete family medical history, and be sure to take care of yourself to stay healthy.Cervical cancer is not genetic. The vast majority of cervical cancer cases are caused by an HPV viral infection.HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that is extrememly common for both men and women. It is important to know that a positive HPV test or an abnormal Pap test does not mean that the patient will develop cervical cancer.Certain types of HPVs are known to be more aggressive, and it is important to get tested for HPV to know if you have a high risk type HPV.With appropriate clinical care and appropriate testing, the risks of developing cervical cancer are extremely low. Even if a patient has a high risk HPV that can be more aggressive, appropriate clinical care can greatly reduce the risk of the development of cervical cancer.

Married young soon to be a mother and have been diagnosed with cervical cancer is it safe to still have sex?

First, it is important to make sure the word "cancer" was used by your doctor. Far too often patients hear that they have a precancerous lesion and take this to mean that they have cancer. But if you do have cancer, it is still safe to have sex. Know that cervical cancer is caused by a viral infection called HPV which is spread sexually, so if your partner is not affected, it is essential that a condom is used.

Can cervical cancer stop you from having a period?

No. During a cervical biopsy they take a small sample of the cervix with is the bottom part of the uterus which is visible in the vagina. They don't affect anything that regulates menstrual cycles.

Where does cervical cancer occur in a female?

Cervical cancer is cancer that starts in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens at the top of the vagina.Worldwide, cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer in women. It is much less common in the United States because of the routine use of Pap smears.Cervical cancers start in the cells on the surface of the cervix. There are two types of cells on the cervix's surface: squamous and columnar. Most cervical cancers are from squamous cells.Cervical cancer usually develops very slowly. It starts as a precancerous condition called dysplasia. This precancerous condition can be detected by a Pap smear and is 100% treatable. It can take years for precancerous changes to turn into cervical cancer. Most women who are diagnosed with cervical cancer today have not had regular Pap smears or they have not followed up on abnormal Pap smear results.Almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV (human papilloma virus). HPV is a common virus that is spread through sexual intercourse. There are many different types of HPV. Some strains lead to cervical cancer. (Other strains may cause genital warts, while others do not cause any problems at all.)A woman's sexual habits and patterns can increase her risk for cervical cancer. Risky sexual practices include having sex at an early age, having multiple sexual partners, and having multiple partners or partners who participate in high-risk sexual activities.Risk factors for cervical cancer include:Not getting the HPV vaccinePoor economic statusWomen whose mothers took the drug DES (diethylstilbestrol) during pregnancy in the early 1960s to prevent miscarriageWeakened immune system

Do cancer cells grow back after a leep?

First, LEEP does not treat cancer; it treats cervical dysplasia, or abnormal cells that may develop into cancer. It is possible to develop dysplasia again after a LEEP. Taking steps towards improving the health of your immune system can help: don't smoke, eat well, get enough rest and exercise, avoid excessive suntanning or binge drinking. Protect yourself when having sexual intercourse by avoiding having many partners and by using condoms. Consider getting the HPV immunization series. All of these things can help your body to take care of any abnormal cells that may develop.

Can cancer be hereditary disease?

The link between cancer being hereditary has not been proven, nor has it been disproved. It still remains a very larger medical mystery, due to the fact of there are so many different types of cancer.