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If a credit card account has an outstanding balance that is defaulted on, the account will not be closed. The account will be charged to profit and loss, or sent/sold/assigned to collections, either internal or external.

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Q: How long does it take for credit card accounts to be closed if they have not been paid?
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Should your sister be paying on her credit card balance if her credit card debt has not yet been discharged but her accounts have been closed by the credit grantor?

Your sister should not be paying on the credit card balance. In fact, the credit card company cannot even legally send her statements because she is protected by the automatic stay.

Is it bad for your credit if old credit card accounts are closed by the creditor and not by you?

It is considered a derogatory mark on a consumer's credit report to have the notation "closed by credit grantor" rather than "closed by consumer".

Can you re-open a credit card once closed?

Credit card companies will not reopen a credit card account once it has been closed. The company will issue a new credit card and new account if it wishes to do business with the person.

Can you reopen a credit card that you closed?

Yes, you can request your issuing credit card company or bank to reopen your credit card that you closed. I did that with one of my credit cards. However, make sure that you had a good record on that particular closed account and that you check if all the balances have been paid before you closed the account in order not to ruin your credit history.

How do you locate the mailing addresses of credit card companies with whom you have accounts?

I just got my credit report from Equifax and it had all the creditors addresses (open and closed) included when I viewed the details of my accounts.

How are store credit accounts different from bank credit card accounts?

cuz ur stupid

For how long closed credit cards stay on my credit report?

only like 5 months -andrea It must depend on the type of credit report. My 2007 CSC Mortgage Services report has credit card accounts on it that I closed in 1997. No late payments, no negative marks. Just listed there as a closed account. -Lee

How long does a paid credit card account that has been closed stay on your credit report?

Forever, since it looks good on your report.

How can you make the credit card company reopen an account and remove 'closed by credit grantor' from your credit report?

You can't MAKE a credit card company reopen an account. You can call the credit bureau and request that they change the status to indicate that is was closed by you and not the credit grantor. Or, you can simply put a notation in your credit report stating that the account was closed by you and not the card company.

Should you re-open a previously closed credit card account?

No. If the account has been closed, you would need to re-apply if you wanted an account.

Can a bank close your credit card if you a behind in your mortgage but up to date on your credit card?

No, they are completely different accounts.

You paid off and closed a credit card and more than 2 weeks later a rental car company managed to put a charge on the account due to damages to a rental car you'd rented Can they collect?

technically if your card has been canceled than the charge should have never been allowed from the credit card comany. If there is a charge after it was suppose to be closed than you may want to look into weather or not the credit card has really been canceled.