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Accounts stay on your credit report for seven years, so any bad accounts will continue to appear even after they've been paid. It will take several years for your score to rise substantially.

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Q: How long does it take for the credit score to go up once collections have been paid?
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How long does bad credit affect your credit score?

as long as your credit file contains negative information it will always impact your credit score

Does canceling a cell phone contract early but paying the associated fees damage your credit score?

I would assume not for the simple fact it's not a loan you're terminating. Cell phone companies and the like go by your payment history, not necessarily the fact you might have bad credit as a score may show. Just make sure you pay all final and applicable fees as those CAN hurt your credit if unpaid and sent to collections.

How long will it take for a medical bill collection to come off your score after it has been paid?

All valid negative entries on a credit report remain for the required time limit. Medical bills that were referred to collections would remain on the report for 7 years even if they are paid. The impact of paying a debt upon one's credit score cannot be determined as scores are based upon the consumer's entire credit history.

Will paying off loans early give you a lower credit score?

As long as you have had the loan open for 12 months and have been making timely payments it will not lower your credit score. It will actually increase your credit score to pay off early if it is an installment loan.

The credit score advice for me to prevent bad credit score especially when I have a master card which has been unused for a long time.?

There are many factors that go into your credit score and cancelling a card, such as how long you have had the card and how large of a balance there is on your other cards. In order to help you make an informed decision based on your specific situation I would read this article

If you have been making all your payments on time and in full how long does it take to get a good credit score?

2 to 3 years to turn you credit around.

How long do i have to have a credit card before i get a credit score?

6 months

Can you subscribe again to Verizon Wireless after a collections debt has been paid?

Yes, as long as you are all paid up and your credit is good enough to qualify.

How long will a foreclosure be on your credit report and how will it effect your credit score?

A foreclosure can stay on your credit report for over ten years. It will have a significant and negative impact on your score.

How long does it affect your credit score if you do not pay your credit cards?

As long as you are not able to pay on time your credit cards and you are not maintaining a good credit payment schedule, your credit score is affected. Therefore, you must pay or settle all your accounts with your credit card in order to have a good credit score. There are ways on how to do this. Search online , there are sites that give honest and effective advice.

How long does it take for credit score to go up in rating after paying off debt?

How long does it take for credit score to go up in rating after paying off debt?

How long does it take for credit score to improve after you cancel a credit card?

Your credit score can go down when you cancel a credit card. It often will decrease because now the amount of credit available to you is less. The change in your credit score (+ or -) will be most likely updated the 1st of the following month.