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If you eat a pound of food and get on the scale you will weigh a pound more. If you drink a 12 ounce can of pop, you will way 12 ounces more. The question is whether it will stay on.

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Q: How long does it take for your body to gain weight after eating a meal?
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Should you be worried if you gain weight after eating?

Not really. Of course eating food will make you gain some weight, especially when the food is still inside of you. As long as the weight gain is not consistant or significant (as in, exercsie to kepp a constant and steady weight), then it is fine.

Is it true that you actually gain weight if you suddenly stop eating to lose weight?

This can happen, your body thinks that it is being starved and will hold on to every thing it has to survive. This however does not last long.

Why people gain weight even if they eat less?

people gain weight when they eat less because your body thinks it is starving, your body converts your muscle into fat and it makes you feel weak and gain weight, however if you eat less for a long period of time you will lose weight

How long and how much weight will you lose if you don't eat for about 4 days?

Come on!!!! Starvation doesn't work and can actually cause you to gain weight because the body starts storing fat. Sensible eating and gemtle exercise. Oh yes and a bit of patience!

How long it takes to gain weight with peritol?

2 days

How much weight could be lost in a month by starving yourself?

when the body undergoes starvation, the brain slows down metabolsm causing the body to conserve calories thereby causing very little weight loss. a lot, maybe like 30 pounds, if you survived. And it will be very easy to gain back weight when you eat again, probably even fatter than when you started. When you eat food normally it will barely add to your weight, but after not eating for a long time you gain lots of weight because the body is in "survival" mode. The actual weight lost in a month depends on a lot of things and who it is.

Does anorexic diets mixed with yoga help with weight loss?

Absolutely not. Your body gains weight when it thinks that you need it. In other words, you gain weight when your body thinks you are starving. If you are starving yourself, you will gain weight. The best thing to do is take a hour long walk everyday and eat a handful of food every hour; so your body feels that it has no need to have a surplus.

Does eating 6 medium and large size sweet potatoes a day make you gain weight?

It might do as as long as you don't get diarrhea from all the fiber.

Does not eating cause weight loss faster?

yes but hurts in long run. you will gain back more than you started with due to damage your metabolism

Do you know if long term weight loss is possible with Slimfast meals?

Yes, long term weight loss is possible with Slimfast meals as long as you maintain what you were doing when you lost the weight. Many people who gain weight back go back to old eating habits and lower activity levels.

Can you gain weight by stop taking acai berries?

As long as you maintain a healthy diet and excercise, you will NOT gain the weight back just because you stopped using acai berry. You might experience a decreased weight loss, but you will suddenly start gaining it back. If you stop using acai, stop eating healthy, and stop exercising, you WILL gain the weight back, if not more.

What are the long term benefits of healthy eating?

having a healthy body better weight longer life having a healthy body better weight longer life