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Q: How long does it take to go into labor if you are 1cm?
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How long does it take to go into labor if you are 36 weeks 1cm and 70 percent effaced but baby hasn't dropped?

You could go into labout tomorrow or you may have to wait 3-4 weeks, there is no way of telling.

How much longer do you have to go in pregnancy after you have dilated 1cm and the baby's head is down?

No-one can tell, you may go into labor tonight or you may go another 2 weeks.

How long does it take for a black lab to go into labor how many days?

63 days, + or - 5 days.

How long does it take for a rabbit to go into labor and give birth?

A matter of minutes to a couple of hours.

If your 1cm dilated how much time will it take until you dilate enough to be in active labor?

You can be 1cm for a while. Some women have gone months. First you need to realize how far along you are anyway. If you are not 40 weeks yet then it is likely that you wont go into labor any time soon. Also be aware that you can go over 40 weeks. Some women have went up to 44+ weeks. You should contact your doctor/Midwife with any questions.

How long does it take for a rat to have babies?

From the date of conception to date of birth is usually 23 days. If you mean from when they go into labor, it could take a day.

How can you induce labor or know how much time is left if you are 37 weeks 3 days a loose 1cm 60 percent effaced and having regular contractions?

you are in labor---go to the hospital. if your labor doesn't progress, they will give you a drug pitocin to speed you along. good luck Joymaker rn

How long does it take to go into labor after taking castor oil?

There is really no telling how long it will take to go into Labor after taking castor oil. You're body may not be ready to give birth, therefore you might get nothing but cramping and diarhea. But if this does work for you, it can be anywhere from an hour up to 10hrs or longer. It all just depends on your body and how close you are to being ready.

How long does it take for you to go into labor and it's your fifth baby?

We don't have crystal balls here so it's impossible to tell. Every woman wants to know how long it will take etc but you can never foretell these things. It's individual based on your body, how the baby handles labor and every birth is unique.

How many times does 1cm go into 5km?

5km = 5000m = 500 000cm, so 1cm goes into 5km 500 000 times

How long does it take to go into labor if you are 37 weeks 4 cm dilated and fully effaced but baby hasn't dropped?

The baby can drop in labor. It is always not easy to distinguish when the baby drops. I have had 3 children and never knew when they dropped I only knew when labor kicked in.

If you are 1 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced how long until you go into labor?

I am also 1cm dilated and 80% effaced...1 week ago I was 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. It is different for everyone...Although my DR. said the norm was 3 days after you lose your mucus plug...good luck