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It would take you 2 seasons. Also, your child will always look like the same throughout, but would be considered as a grown child.

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Q: How long does it take to have a grown child in Harvest Moon Animal Parade?
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Who is the one with the pure heart in harvest moon animal parade?

It will be one of your children on the game (when they have grown), it doesn't matter which child you pick because they both have pure hearts

How do you get a duck on harvest moon animal parade?

Go to Horn Ranch in Flute Fields on any day except for Wed. and a holiday. You can buy a full grown duck there.

How do you play mini games in harvest moon animal parade?

There is only one mini-game in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. You need a full grown livestock with five hearts. Once you have that you will be able to ride the animal. Speak with Cain during the day when he is outside standing near a fence. He will let you practice for the Animal Race. You get to race your animal and if you have more Wiimotes up to four people can race at once.

When do you now when harvest moon is finished?

Harvest Moon games can go on forever with exceptions like Animal Parade where you send your child over the rainbow and you fully completed the story. If you mean finished as in you have gotten everything in the game like shipped all the items in the game, upgraded your tools to the max, gotten married, waited until your child is fully grown, seen all of the villagers events, etc. then you gotten everything.

Does your child grow up in harvest moon island of happiness?

Yes every year until it is grown up! Some said you could play as your child if it is grown up! NICE!!! XXX

How can you play as your child in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

you have to see your child fully grown and Hamilton will come and tell you about the journey rucksack and you have to make it the way he tells you to then you have to give it to your child.

Can your adult child help you in farm chores in harvest moon Nintendo DS cute?

No. Your child will not help you in any way. Even way he/she is fully grown.

How do you play as your child on Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility?

Once your child is grown up, you'll be offered the rucksack adventure. If you say yes, your game will be taken over and redone, but you'll have your child's name and stuff.

Can you remarry in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

No. But when your child is all grown up you can play as him/her. Go to with questions and/or email him questions at

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How do you harvest food in harvest moon?

You don't "Harvest food" You harvest vegetables once you have grown them.If you want to cook food expand your house and buy a kitchen

What does insta harvest do on zombie farm?

It harvest's everything that you have already grown. it is kind of lame and very suckish...