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Q: How long does it take to rid body of too much vit b12?
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What are the benefits of taking b12?

The B vitamins are water soluble, which means that what is not used immediately by the body is excreted in the urine vitamin B12 can be stored in the liver for a long time. Vitamin B12 is available in certain food sources, such as meat, dairy and eggs. If you are a vegetarian, or don't consume these foods in high amounts, you should take a vitamin B12 supplement to prevent a deficiency.

How much B12 can I take with 60mg of Prozac?

A lot. Like,200000 mg.

How long does it take for vitamin b12 to be absorbed?

It takes approximately 24 hours for the absorption of vitamin B12. For quicker absorption, you can get a B12 shot.

How much b12 b6 and b2 can you take a day?

How much ml of B-12 injections a daily is recommended

What type of anemia is a deficiency of hemoglobin due to lack of iron in the body?

In my case it is "chronic anaemia" where "chronic" means "lasting for a long time". It can also be called "pernicious anaemia". The problem occurs when the body cannot make the B12 vitamin from the food which has been digested, so the alternative is to have a B12 injection every 3 months. One effect of lack of B12 is that you become very tired much more easily.

Whats out there to eat that has lots of b12 Or the most b12 Should I just buy b12 pills Should I take estrogen pills as well to balance things?

The foods that are highest in B12 are shellfish; liver, especially beef liver; fish such as herring, smoked salmon, and tuna; soy products like tofu, and the type of cereals that are fortified with vitamin B12 such as All Bran. You should not take estrogen pills without checking with your doctor. Any excess vitamin B12 leaves the body or is stored by the liver for when you need it.

Does your body replenish it's b12 supply?

Neither plants nor animals are independently capable of constructing vitamin B12 (Only bacteria have the enzymes required for its synthesis). B12 is replenished in the body from dietary sources.

What disorder of the liver could result in excess Vitamin B12 in the body?

Liver disease (such as cirrhosis or hepatitis) is a medical condition that can increase vitamin B12 in the body. Some myeloproliferative disorders (for example, polycythemia vera and chronic myelocytic leukemia or CML) can also increase vitamin B12 in the body. Vitamin B12 excess is virtually harmful since it is a water-soluble vitamin. It will just be secreted from the body as urine. The conditions themselves are what is cause for concern. The increased vitamin B12 can just be used as an indicator for the disease.

Can you take too much b12?

The National Institute of Health says there is no upper daily limit for vitamin B-12.

Will cocaine take vitamin B12 out of the body?

well, not directly because your liver filters out of your body, but the real question here is "What are the effects of cocaine on your body". There is a host of information on that question

What organ in our body produces B-12?

None. The human body can not produce B12. It has to get it from food.

Pernicious anemia is due to lack of what vitamin?

Perncious anemia is caused by the body's inability to absorb the vitamin B12 from the gastrointestinal tract, due to a loss of gastric parietal cells. Regular B12 supplementation can keep pernicious anemia at bay, though it is not a complete cure. B12 is a vitamin obtained from meat and dairy products.