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It can be one minute for one person, and can be ten year for thousand people.

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Q: How long does it take to write an application with a programming language?
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What is good scripting language for web application testing?

There are various scripting languages for web application testing: Java: The Sun Microsystems developed JAVA is one of the most popular programming languages on the internet. Java is an open-source language, which means it is available free-of-cost. PHP: PHP is used to signify the PHP Hypertext Processor language and it is an interpreted script language. It is best suited for server-side programming that includes repetitive server-tasks performed during the development of your website.PHP has been used for so long that its community has contributed many powerful tools for PHP Website developer. Python: Python is a dynamic language which means that the developer can write and run the code without needing a separate compiler for the purpose. It supports multiple programming paradigms such as object-oriented programming, structured programming, and even functional programming to a certain extent. Ruby: Ruby was developed in the year 1993 by Yukihiro Matsumoto as a programming language to offer a balance of functional programming along with imperative programming.

Can you use visual c plus plus for window programming in c language?

... yes? The question doesn't really make any sense. Any language can be used to program a computer, so long as you have a compiler for it. There definitely are both C and C++ compilers for Microsoft Windows, therefore you can write device drivers in it if you want. Heck, you could theoretically write device drivers in LISP or BASIC if you wanted; I personally wouldn't, but it could be done.

What is long components in the C programming language?

A 32 bit integer.

What is he do loop?

A "do" loop is a construct in a programming language that lets you repeat instructions over and over, as long as a certain condition is true. The details vary, depending on the programming language.

Is it necessary to have basics of any language to learn cloud computing?

You don't have to specifically learn any programming language as long as you are familiar with them since cloud computing has several layers such as client, application, platform, infrastructure and server. If you are to be on the layer platform then yes you have to learn a specific language. Hosted EMR taught me of these ideas.

Can a PIC 16c77 be programmed in C language?

The answer depends on the question...If the question asks if you can write programs for the PIC 16C77 in C, then you can, so long as you have an appropriate C compiler and set of libraries in the development system that you bought for the PIC.If the question asks if you can change the programmed code of a PIC 16C77 using C, then the answer is yes and no. You need a hardware programming device to write your program to the PIC's EEPROM. That hardware device can be programmed in C.In all probability, however, it seems that the interpretation of the question is the first one, the answer, again, based simply on availability of an appropriate compiler and library.The reason for the "complexity" in this answer is that "programming" means two different things. One is to write application code, and the other is to "program" the device (write to its EEPROM) with said application code; and the question did not specify which.

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The word evaluate in the programming language COBOL can be used to replace a nested if statement. Instead of long statement evaluate allows one to shorten the coding required and write cleaner code.

How do you make a scape like runescape?

It takes a long, long time to program such a game. You would have to learn some programming language for a start.

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To write your mother's death anniversary leave application, you need to be formal. Indicate how long you will be away and when you plan to resume work.

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How long does it take to master Apple Swift programming language?

It may take one days or weeks depending on an individual.