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Generally morphine sulfate in 100mg may be fatal for a non tolerant user unless it is in time released form which is still a high dose for a non tolerant user. However It will stay in your blood stream for about 8 hours and then will be in your urine for detection for up to 3 days. The time that morphine is metabolized may be some what faster in a tolerant individual, Thus the detection time in the persons body is shorter than a non tolerant user.

AnswerGenerally morphine sulfate in 100mg may be fatal for a non tolerant user unless it is in time released form which is still a high dose for a non tolerant user. However It will stay in your blood stream for about 8 hours and then will be in your urine for detection for up to 3 days. The time that morphine is metabolized may be some what faster in a tolerant individual, Thus the detection time in the persons body is shorter than a non tolerant user.

I have been on MS Contin 100mg ER for 15 years. I am a T12 L1 incomplete paraplegic I also take 3/soma 350, xanax 1mg/twice daily, percoset 10mg/3x daily as needed, and pamelor 50mg 3x daily. I suffer from chronic nerve pain in my back and legs. I was on 30mg Oxycontin IR 4x daily but since Michael Jackson died the pain clinic doctor/doctors are becoming leary about mixing morphine sulfate 100mg er with Oxycontin ER and IR but putting percoset 10mg is really just 10mg of oxycodone and ibuprofen One other good tip is the Pamelor. It is an antidepressant but is used for the burning and pins and needles feeling I have from the spinal chord injury.

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Q: How long does morphine Sulfate 100mg stay in your in your blood in your blood stream?
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