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Q: How long does someone with Liposarcoma stage 4 in abdomen and?
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How long does someone with Liposarcoma stage 4 in abdomen and lungs have to live?

How long does someone with Liposarcoma stage 4 in abdomen and lungs have to live? Depends on many factors not surprisingly. Incidence of this rare cancer is low enough that there is not enough data to predict survival rates or survival times with any accuracy. Treatment options that can prolong life include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. It is a cancer of connective tissue so may interfere with activities of organs rather than invade directly. Makes treatment difficult with L sarc surrounding organs making excision and radiation difficult without removal of organs. In advanced forms does met to liver and lungs. Lung mets can often be excised. Many people have survived long term in spite of repeated chemo, radiation and extensive surgeries. Survival of this cancer is best measured by dying of something else than the 5 year rule

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well first they need help if they can get it. how bad is it?

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huh? what? where am I?

What animal or insect has a long abdomen?


Does stage have a short or long vowel sound?

The word "stage" has a long vowel sound, pronounced as "stayj."

How does the black hole stage transitions into the next stage?

Basically there is no "next stage". Well, it is believed that a black hole will evaporate, but that will take a long, long time.

How long do internal stitches stay in the abdomen or do they stay in?

They dissolve after some time.

How wide was the stage?

Height of the stage - 5 feetWidth of Stage - approx 45 foot wideLength of the stage - approx 30 feet long

How long does germinal stage last?

This stage lasts only about two weeks.

How long is a monarch in the larva stage?

38 centimeters long

How long is imago stage?

The imargo stage of WHAT - please be precise when asking questions on WikiAnswers.

What insect has very long antennae a slightly narrow abdomen a long stinger-like appendage and is a slight green color?

A dragonfly.