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Approx 3days or 72hrs & a man's sperm is viable for 48 hrs after ejaculation

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Q: How long is an ovum viable during ovulation period?
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How long does it take for the egg to dissolve during ovulation?

Roughly 14 days later - when your period starts

Can fertilization occur the same day a women starts her period?

No. By the time a woman is due to menstruate the egg released earlier in her cycle is long dead - typically ovulation occurs 14 days before menstruation, and at most there will only be a viable egg for up to 48 hours after ovulation.

Is a woman's period her ovulation?

I looked it up on wikipedia, and they gave me this long definition. I'm going to put it in simple terms. Ovulation is when a woman is on her period, has sex, and gets pregnant.

Would you fall pregnant during your period?

No, you wouldn't fall pregnant during your period as there is no egg present during menstruation. However it is possible for you to be fertile during menstruation, this would mean that sperm from sex during menstruation may live long enough to fertilise the egg released during ovulation.

How long is the pregnancy fertility window?

Your peak fertility window is approximately 24-48 hours after ovulation. However, it is possible to conceive at any point during the month, even during your period.

Why is it not as easy to get pregnant on your period then when your not on your period?

Ovulation usually happens in the middle of a woman's period (10-15 days after period) and is the period when the woman is fertile. That is why it is highly unlikely that women get pregnant during their period. Pregnancy is most likely if intercourse occurs anywhere from 6 days before ovulation until 2-3 days after ovulation, however, this varies and it depends on the length and regularity of a woman's periods and how long the sperm lives after intercourse. To avoid pregnancy it is best to use protection all the time but to get pregnant it is a good idea to buy ovulation-tests. Hope this helps.

Is the girl fertile before her period?

Unlikely. A woman will ovulate around 14 days before menstruation, and she is fertile up to 7 days before ovulation when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present. At most even if multiple eggs are realeased during ovulation there is still only a viable egg present for up to 48 hours after the start of ovulation - thus by the time a woman is due to menstruate any eggs released during ovulation are long dead. There are exceptions - for example a woman may have a very short luteal phase (phase between ovulation and menstruation) so she may ovulate less than 14 days before her period. Women can also bleed thinking it's menstruation when actually it's not. The only way to tell for certain when a woman is fertile or not is if she uses fertility awareness method to monitor her cycles on a daily basis.

What is a normal ovulation cycle?

A normal ovulation is when your LH phase is between 10-16 days long. This phase can not be counted from the 1st day of your period rather is is counted from you ovulation date to your period. This shows that the uterus has a healthy environment for immplantation. To determine when you ovulate you must temp or use OPK (Ovulation prediction kits)

How long after your period are your fertile?

It depends on your own menstrual cycle - you could only know when you were fertile or not if using a method such as fertility awareness method. During the average 28 day menstrual cycle a woman will likely be fertile between days 7-16 - ovulation occurs on day 14 so there may be a viable egg for up to 48 hours, also women are fertile for a week prior to ovulation whenre there is fertile cervical mucus.

Can organs be transported?

Yes, as long as they are kept cold and sterile - they will only be viable for a short period of time.

How can you determine your ovulation cycle when you have been on the pill for so long and you have not had a period in two years?

While on the pill you don't have an ovulation cycle - the pill prevents ovulation. Once off the pill you can start tracking ovulation by cervical mucus changes and charting your menstrual cycle. Ovulation happens about 14 days prior to menstruation.

How long after the end of your period can you get pregnant?

you can not get pregnant while you have your period. you can only get pregnant when you are ovulating. ovulation happens about two weeks after your last period. if you are trying for a baby then the doctors can tell you when you are ovulating