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erm...i dont know excersize everyday eat healthy and stay active.

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Q: How long will it take to lose 60 pounds if you are 5 foot 6 inches tall and 180 pounds taking in about 1200 calories a day and doing 1 hour of cardio 5 times a week with an average heart rate of 162?
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How many calories should I eat to weigh 180 pounds and my height is five foot eleven inches?

about 2000 calories

How many calories for 115 pounds and 63 inches teen?

calories needed for 63 inch and 115 pound male teenager

What is the average weight and he it for a 16 yr old?

The average height for a female is 5 feet, 4 inches and weight is around 115 pounds . The average height for a male is 5 feet, 7 inches and weight is 132 pounds.

Is ninety-five pounds an average weight for a girl that is four foot eleven inches?

yes i am 4 foot 10 inches and 81 pounds

How many calories does a 230 pound man burn if doing fast past cardo boxing for a hour?

A man that weighs 230 pounds will burn approximately 1,200 calories doing fast paced cardio boxing for an hour. Walking for an hour will burn approximately 300 calories.

Average size of a 14 month old baby?

My son is 14 months and he is over 30 pounds and about 33 inches. I know this is not average because they are suppossed to be around 31 inches and 24-26 pounds.

I gained 8 pounds after a week of heavy cardio and ab and leg workouts while watching what i eat. is this normal?

That could be just you gaining more muscle that was originally smaller than average or that your body doesn't burn the calories you intake fast enough since even if you do heavy cardio your body have probably adjusted to your situation. If that's the case than I recommend you to mix up your workout routine.

How many pounds is in 262 calories?

There is 0.074857142857068 Pounds in 252 Calories.

How many pounds is in 6000 calories?

There is 1.714285714284 Pounds in 6,000 Calories.

Is a boxing gym good to lose weight?

With an estimated average of 350 to 450 calories burned per hour, cardio boxing can be a great addition to your weight loss plan. Since it takes 3,500 calories to lose one pound, you need to burn an additional 500 to 1,000 calories a day through diet and exercise to lose the recommended one to two pounds each week

Average weight of 5'5women?

The average or normal weight of a woman who stands 5 feet 5 inches tall is between 114 pounds to 144 pounds. Obesity begins at 180 pounds.

Average height of 6 year old boy?

4'11" and 92 pounds