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94% of the Inca Population

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Q: How many Indians died of smallpox?
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What were two results of the smallpox epidemic in Latin America?

More than half the population died. Many Indians Died in heaps or of starvation

What is a European disease that killed many Indians?


How did the smallpox spread in the English colonies?

The smallpox spread in the English colony by the English themselves. the English were prone to this disease, but many Indians died because of they never faced such a sickness, and had no protection against this. thus the Indians died in hundreds. it was spread through the animals feces: cows, chickens, pigs, goats, etc.

How many people died due to smallpox in the 16Th century?

40% of the victims died

About how many Cherokees died of smallpox in 1745?

The actual number of those Native Americans who died from smallpox is not known. However, the numbers were in the thousands, perhaps over 200,000.

How many Cherokees died in smallpox in 1745?

The actual number of those Native Americans who died from smallpox is not known. However, the numbers were in the thousands, perhaps over 200,000.

Why are Indians so susceptible to smallpox?

they gave them disease blankets

What were the damages to the San Buenaventura Mission?

Many Chumash indians brought illness such as measles, syphilis, smallpox, pneumonia, and mumps

Which viral disease caused the death of many American Indians after the Europeans arrived in North America?


series of events that led to the defeat of the southern Plains Indians?

North American smallpox epidemic and the 1837 Great Plains smallpox

Why was smallpox eliminated?

In the 20th century alone between 500 and 800 million people died of smallpox. That is why smallpox was eliminated.

Who has died from smallpox?

Lots of people.