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Q: How many U.S. presidents have been sworn into office?
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How many presidents have you had?

around 200ishThere have been 44 Presidents that have been sworn in.

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After Barack Obama is sworn into office how many presidents will the us have had in total?

Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th US President.

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Have any Presidents been heard cursing while in office?

Yes. There are many documented instances of Presidents' swearing while in office.

How many presidents have been impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate?

No US presidents have been impeached and convicted and so removed from office.

How many presidents are become in US?

Barack Obama is the 44th president. But we did not have 44 men who were sworn into office-- we only had 43, because one of the presidents, Grover Cleveland, was sworn in two separate times. Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms. He was the 22nd and the 24th president. So, Barack Obama's presidency is the 44th in our history, but 43 men have been elected since our first president, George Washington, took office in 1789.

How many presidents have not been sworn in on January 20?

There were 34 Presidents who were sworn in on days other than January 20. The 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was sworn in once on March 4, 1933, and three times on a January 20 (1937, 1941, and 1945). Not counting Roosevelt, there were only 30 before him and 3 afterward sworn in on other days. Not counting Truman's and Johnson's second terms, the total is only 31. Until the passage of the 20th Amendment, ratified January 23, 1933, Presidents took the oath of office on March 4. Afterward, there were three (Truman, Lyndon Johnson, and Gerald Ford) sworn in on the death or resignation of the sitting President.

How many presidents have been in office since Harry Truman?

As of May, 2012 there have been 11 U. S. Presidents since Harry Truman.

How many different people were president?

43There have been 43 people sworn into office, and 44 Presidencies, due to the fact that Grover Cleveland served 2 nonconsecutive terms but has has been counted as twice, as the 22nd and 24th Presidents.4443 + Obama = the 44th president in all!

How many Presidents were sworn in on days other than inauguration day and why?


What words have nearly all US Presidents added to their oath of office?

"So help me God" has been added by many of the Presidents.