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Q: How many adoms in there in 13.2 mol copper?
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What is the mass in grams of atom of copper and how many atom are there 1g of copper?

6.022*10**23 atoms / mol = avagadro's constant 63.546 g / mol = atomic weight of copper 1 atom / 6.022*10**23 atoms/mol * 63.546 g/mol = 1.05523082*10**-22g 1 g / 63.546 g/mol * 6.022*10**23 atoms/mol = 9.476599629*10**21 atoms

How many atoms of phosphorus are in 3.30 mol of copper (ll) phosphate?

The number of atoms is 39,746.10e23.

How many atoms are in 1 mole of Copper?

1 mol Cu Atoms (6.02x10^23 atoms)

How many atoms of phosphorus are in 4.40 mol of copper(II) phosphate?

The number of phosphorus atoms is 5,326095.10e23.

What is the mass of one mole of copper?

63.55 g/mol (63.55 grams per mole)

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63.5 g/mol

How would you make 100cm3 of 0 01 mol dm3 copper sulfate from a solution of 0 1 mol dm3 copper sulfate?

right i dont know this 4 sure but because u want a 0.1 mol/dm3 and u only need 100cm3 u will need 0.01mols of copper sulfate to dilute in 100cm3. soo now u have a solution that is 0.01mols per 100cm3 or 0.1 mols per 1000cm3 (dm3)

What is copper's atomic weight?

The atomic weight of copper is 63,546(3).

Calculate the number of atom in 13.2 mol copper?

To calculate the number of atoms in 13.2 mol of copper, you can use Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 x 10^23 atoms per mole. Multiply 13.2 mol by Avogadro's number to get the number of atoms: 13.2 mol * (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol) = 7.93 x 10^24 atoms. Therefore, there are approximately 7.93 x 10^24 atoms in 13.2 mol of copper.

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What is the atomic number of the copper atom?

63.54 g/mol