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Q: How many alveoli pass oxygen to your blood?
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Oxygen and carbon dioxide pass back and forth between the alveoli and the blood through?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide easily pass back and forth between the alveoli and the blood through the capillaries.

What is the body organ which oxygen passes through to capillaries?

The alveoli and capillaries in the lungs pass oxygen to the blood. Both have very thin walls, which allow the oxygen to pass from the alveoli to the blood. The capillaries then connect to larger blood vessels, called veins, which bring the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart.

What 2 substances pass from the blood and into the alveoli?

oxygen and carbon dioxide

Where does the oxygen pass into the blood in the breathing system?

In the capillaries surrounding the alveoli in the lungs

How does oxygen pass from the atmosphere in the alveoli to the blood stream?

Basiclly,The air enters the lungs by traveling down the wind pipe and it goes down the bronchi and bronchioles and into the alveoli.The Alveoli let the oxygen (from the air) pass into the blood streem by leting it pass through a thin membrane.

How can you the oxygen you bring into your body get into the circulatory system?

The oxygen in each breath is circuited to the lungs where the alveoli absorb the oxygen and passed to the blood cells. The blood cells enter the heart where the oxygenated blood is circulated where needed.

What is the main unit of oxygen exchange in the human lung?

the capillary's, they are based on the alveoli and they pass oxygen from the alveoli sacks through to the blood stream- ready to go to the heart and be pumped around the body

How does oxygen get from your lungs and into the blood?

You breathe the oxygen into your lungs. The oxygen then dissolves into the water lining which is called the alveoli. Finally, the oxygen will cling to the red blood cells as they pass through the alveolar capillaries and now the oxygen is in the blood.

By what process does blood pass into the blood?

Oxygen passes into the blood from diffusion in the alveoli of the lungs.If you're asking where blood is made, it's made in bone marrow.

What organs supply blood with oxygen in mammals?

the lungs supply the blood with oxygen, within the lungs there are alveoli which have a very thin membrane which allows oxygen to pass into the capillaries that run into the lungs hope i helped

What is the pathway of an oxygen molecule from the atmosphere to its combination with a hemoglobin molecule?

Oxygen reaches the hemoglobin in the blood cells by entering the lungs. The key area of the lungs where the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide is made is called the alveoli. The Alveoli has very thin cell walls which allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass freely in and out of the blood stream.

The tiny air sacs in the lungs that take oxygen from the air and put it into the blood?

These tiny air sacs are called alveoli. These alveoli are surrounded by capilaries tiny blood vessells. These capilaries have holes that are to small for blood cells to escape but are big enogh for oxygen molecules to pass in to the blood stream and attach to the haemoglobin in your blood.