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A rhino can have up to 1 baby because it's so big.

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Q: How many babies can a rhino have?
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How many babies can a rhino have in a lifetime?


How many babies can a black rhino have?

Normally one at a time.

How many babies rhino is born at one time?

about 2 million :D

How many babies can rhino's have?

a black rhino can have up to 1 baby because it is so big that it can only fit one baby in its stomach

How many babies do Javan Rhino born in one year?

Javan Rhinos usually give birth to one calf every 3 to 5 years, so on average, they may have one baby in a given year.

How do rhino's have babies?

The male and female adult rhino get together and make a baby rhino, just like people do.

How old do Rhino's have to be to have babies?

For rhinos to have baby's they can be any age

How many syllables in rhino?

2 in rhino (rhi-no)

Where do rhino babies come from?

They are mammals, like us, so they are born live out of their mothers' bodies.

What is the biological name of a rhino?

White Rhino - Ceratotherium simumBlack Rhino - Diceros bicornisIndian Rhino - Rhinoceros unicornisJavan Rhino - Rhinoceros sondaicusSumatran Rhino - Dicerorhinus sumatrensisAbove are the biological names of the many different species of Rhino's

How many types of rhinos are there in the world?

There are 5 types of rhinos in the world. There is the Javan rhino, White rhino, Black rhino, Great One Horned rhino and Sumatran rhino. There is also one extinct rhino called the Woolly rhino.

How many meters is a rhino?

That depends on the species of rhino. The largest rhino, the white rhino, is 3.4 meters to 4 meters long. The smallest rhino, the Sumatran rhino, is only 2.36 to 3.18 meters long.